Do my


Well-Known Member
the reason why ur leaves look like that cux ther reaching for the light. like i sayed nuttin rong ur jus over reactin and i dont noe why u pulled it out plant look prtty healthy


Well-Known Member
and to this guy i dint say emergency blankets ARE mylar. i sayed ther prtty much the same thing and it does werk for reflection. i use the blanket and still am nuttin rong wit em as long as u git all the crinkles out and git it to lay flat


the reason why ur leaves look like that cux ther reaching for the light. like i sayed nuttin rong ur jus over reactin and i dont noe why u pulled it out plant look prtty healthy

and to this guy i dint say emergency blankets ARE mylar. i sayed ther prtty much the same thing and it does werk for reflection. i use the blanket and still am nuttin rong wit em as long as u git all the crinkles out and git it to lay flat
I'll just say this. I had the same problem as the OP at the same time, I thought it was great someone had the same thing as I was going through so I would know if its normal or it's me. Leaves pointing up and then stunted growth (see his other post "frozen in time"). I moved my lights another inch away and now my babies look great.

Sure I'm new here and have no posts or rep, but from personal experience in the last few days of going through your exact same problems if you take this guy's advice that the plants are reaching for the light you will damage them further or kill them.


Well-Known Member
personally im not attackin ur credits or nuttin. i was jus sayin leaves pointin upwards are prtty NORMAL my plants do it all the time. i veg wit cfls and flower wit hps wit no probs. now if the leaves wer droopy or yellowing id start to worry. i was tellin the guy he is overreacting and freakin out for nuttin