Do my plants look akay? (2nd grow)


Well-Known Member
Little info on it, I grew my first grow with a shite old light just the whole setup wasnt good so i thought right im goimg all out spent nearly £500 on a full tent kit carbon filter 600gps light, The full canna range nutrients the lot (which may i add the boost is brilliant) Ohhh yeah amd im growing in Coco.

im growimg 2 white widow and im growimg 2 royal queen seeds.

The only thing i think ive went wrong is i only vegged for 4 weeks and a week off that they where seedlings so a 3 week veg its goimg to affect my yield which im a bit gutted about am not going to lie buy hey its only my second grow you live and learn.

Anyway so i flipped them 9 day ago, Heres some pics.

do u guys think i flipped to early?



Well-Known Member
They are coming along quick to say you flipped only 9 days ago.
I would probably space the pots a few inches further from each other and if possible lower the light 4".


Well-Known Member
They are coming along quick to say you flipped only 9 days ago.
I would probably space the pots a few inches further from each other and if possible lower the light 4".
Yeah man nine days ago today i flipped them it will be 2 weeks this sunday, I Will do drop it a bit (the lights) they are in 16L rhizo pots and are in coco. I reckon i could off fitted 6-8 in there if they where 10L square pots.