Do my flowers look right?

They're hard to see. Wherever you have pin-prick spots on your leaves, you will usually find mites underneath. They avoid strong light - so you usually won't see them on the leaf surface during lights-on - but you can often find them hiding in the veins of the leaves underneath. You may need a loop to spot them. They don't normally move.

Yep I know. I am very familiar with spider mites. They either black little things sitting in a web and sometimes you see a red one (those are the females).

Again, they seem to have disappeared for now. They always come back, but for some reason they are gone. No webs under the leaves. Right now, I think they have hibernated. Wierd. I did have them earlier in the grow, I kept spraying my plants and put fans on my plants, it seems to have atleast stopped them for now
Yep I know. I am very familiar with spider mites. They either black little things sitting in a web and sometimes you see a red one (those are the females).

Again, they seem to have disappeared for now. They always come back, but for some reason they are gone. No webs under the leaves. Right now, I think they have hibernated. Wierd. I did have them earlier in the grow, I kept spraying my plants and put fans on my plants, it seems to have atleast stopped them for now
That's OK. They don't always spin webs. In the early stages they just sit under the leaves. If they're mostly gone after the defol, then that's good news.
Wait, if I remember correctly.....this whole crop will be used for extracts right?

NO im growing for flowers.

Some people like bho others like ethanol. Others want to make Rosin. So I grow for others too extract.

I'm still trying to figure out why I got such a bad CA deficiency. I believe I over fed week 3-4 when I was feeding 2.2EC flower food. And it then locked the CA out.

The leaves closest to the light or the highest point on the plant has the CA deficiency. The buds lower down have way less CA deficiency. I wonder why? Too much light perhaps? My par was 800 max, which isent too high.

Next run I will stick to a lower feed and I will add additional ca edta.

I'm really upset about this ca deficiency.... This grow should have been perfect! Oh well, round two shortly.
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Ca deficiencies always show up on the middle and upper leaves because it is a mostly immobile element - that is one of the ways you identify it. As I said earlier, calcium cannot be easily relocated within the plant - unlike nitrogen, for example, that is simply taken from lower leaves to supply new growth - so it breaks down calcium stores closest to the new growth where it is needed. I also explained a bit about transpiration to help you understand possible reasons why it is happening, as it is not just a simple matter of over-feeding or under-feeding - a lot has to to with nutrient ratios and environmental conditions. If you read a bit about plant deficiencies, it will make more sense.
Ca deficiencies always show up on the middle and upper leaves because it is a mostly immobile element - that is one of the ways you identify it. As I said earlier, calcium cannot be easily relocated within the plant - unlike nitrogen, for example, that is simply taken from lower leaves to supply new growth - so it breaks down calcium stores closest to the new growth where it is needed. I also explained a bit about transpiration to help you understand possible reasons why it is happening, as it is not just a simple matter of over-feeding or under-feeding - a lot has to to with nutrient ratios and environmental conditions. If you read a bit about plant deficiencies, it will make more sense.

Thanks again for your input. I have studied how the plant uses the different elements. As you say, CA is immobile so shows on the newest growth. I understand the relationship with RH and how it affects evaporation. I also understand that CA is one of the few elements that has to travel up the plants stem using osmotic pressure. That apparently is why CA is the most difficult element for the plant to get from the roots. The other elements work on electricity and swaps electrons with the ions in the root zone. Magnesium is one such example. Incredible stuff. I love photosynthesis.

For this run, my temperature was about 85-90f. Rh 65 percent+- I know how to handle my VPDS and I know LEDS need to be hotter.

I simply believe it was due to over feeding. Running an EC of 2.2 @85F was a bad idea. Next run I will know better im sure. I got some CA EDTA so I should be fine now!!!!

Some pics for today, Day 47 I think...
Hey porky, everyone has a bad run here and worries, learn from it like all of us have.

Tough to say anything about the CA def/lock? with pest/fungal issues going on.

Good luck on a clean harvest

Agreed. I need to stop being so hard on myself.

As you said, next run will be better and I'll learn from this one.

You have no idea how much I appreciate your responses! Thank you!
If what you say were true, that would have happened in week 1,2,3,4 and now.

So far, I have had mites with no issues. Yes they are on a few leaves, but thats it. They are not proliferating and going out of control. Perhaps I have a species that is not that aggresive, who knows. Either way, for now I am deciding not to react to them. I will keep a very close eye on them, I have been. I always am. I hate spider mites.

Any leaves with PM I prune as soon as I spot them. My RH is about 60%. I struggle to get it much lower.
Whays (rh) and (pm)?
I like my leaves. I would not defoliate right now if I were you. Maybe in 3 weeks.

more importantly, you need to support her more, she is going to fall down once she gets bigger. And then she will be dead:/
Ya I need to get some bamboo poles to hold her up better honeslty didnt think she would make it this far so effort towards her grow has been minamal.