Do my Clones look Ok ???


Well-Known Member
hey guys,
i just wanted other peoples opinion on how my clones are looking.
the one in soil..was dipped into a powder rooting hormone before planting. he has been in soil for about 4 days.

the one in the aeroponics* device has been there for almost a week...i dont believe it has grow roots yet.

i am misting the leaves about 3 times a day. the leaves are still sagging, but i think they are sopposed to sag untill they grow roots.
do i need to mist more?.....i know i need a dome over it, but i havent thought of what to make it out of....also i think they look fine without the dome.
Please leave a reply..thanks all

edit: im going to take a pic, with the grow light off... i think it will show up better. ill post it in a few mins.


Active Member
meh they dont look bad i guess. My last clones looked like that in the beginning, but then they filled out nicely.


Well-Known Member
was the brown on the leaves there before you took the cutting? other than that I personally think they look good, better than mine when I recieved my little ones


Well-Known Member
hey guys,
i just wanted other peoples opinion on how my clones are looking.
the one in soil..was dipped into a powder rooting hormone before planting. he has been in soil for about 4 days.

the one in the aeroponics* device has been there for almost a week...i dont believe it has grow roots yet.

i am misting the leaves about 3 times a day. the leaves are still sagging, but i think they are sopposed to sag untill they grow roots.
do i need to mist more?.....i know i need a dome over it, but i havent thought of what to make it out of....also i think they look fine without the dome.
Please leave a reply..thanks all

edit: im going to take a pic, with the grow light off... i think it will show up better. ill post it in a few mins.
what clones?