Do Meter Readers (electric, gas, etc) Care?


Active Member
Are meter readers (electric company, gas company, other) supposed to contact the cops or do anything if they see plants in a backyard?

I am legal but still hate the idea of anyone knowing my business (who does?) so I usually keep plants under lights on the day I know the meter reader is coming. Today, I thought they did already come but NOOOOO, 10 minutes after pulling them out they came (damn dogs in the neighborhood usually bark their freaking heads off but another big NOOOOO, not today). I watched and the guy pretty much kept his head down and just did his job, doing his best to ignore them. So I'm just wondering if I'll have to show my proof of legalness to cops that might show up later?


Well-Known Member
you bet ya...if their anti weed they can just call the police station and say they seen plants and tell them annomously


Well-Known Member
Are meter readers (electric company, gas company, other) supposed to contact the cops or do anything if they see plants in a backyard?

I am legal but still hate the idea of anyone knowing my business (who does?) so I usually keep plants under lights on the day I know the meter reader is coming. Today, I thought they did already come but NOOOOO, 10 minutes after pulling them out they came (damn dogs in the neighborhood usually bark their freaking heads off but another big NOOOOO, not today). I watched and the guy pretty much kept his head down and just did his job, doing his best to ignore them. So I'm just wondering if I'll have to show my proof of legalness to cops that might show up later?

Awww man; the meter man cannot tell what you are doing in your own home. Those people are just going about doing their job, writing down numbers. Most homes now have digital meters, not requiring a meter man to come out to your home. My concern is when electric companies start to analyze digital data in real time/hourly measurements. I fear the day when they can determine electric consumption spikes occuring in 12 hour increments.

Sounds like you are a bit paranoid; which is a good thing when cultivating. Just definately don't stress; you made the decision a long time ago to grow; and stressing about it now will not do any good.


Active Member
Well it's not "in my home", it's in my yard. I guess it could be paranoia that the cops will show up and I'll have to explain, or the meter reader will rip or hustle me. But was still kind of wondering if their was a known thing about what meter readers do or don't have to do.

As far as being ready for a knock at the door I've already come to that. I believe I heard one neighbor saying they were going to talk to a lawyer about a neighbor growing in a shed (I just started growing in my shed). I mean this could get ridicules with the cops coming everytime someone new notices, I might as well be ready to greet them with a smile for christ sakes :)


Well-Known Member
i had the termite dudes show up one day to check the place out. the young guy comes all the time, so he knows about them, he's kool:peace:, no worry. this other dude was about my age, 60's, so i just told him straight, med. grower, and he also was kool :peace:about it. no plants where the meter reader goes so no problem. only problem is the eye:evil: in the sky, punks:evil::evil:.


Active Member
Just hope the meter readers lil brother doesn't smoke... Sounds like a perfect job for rippers. yikes!


Well-Known Member
Just hope the meter readers lil brother doesn't smoke... Sounds like a perfect job for rippers. yikes!
I just lock my gates with my dogs. The reader will then go to my neighbors yard and look with binocs to get the numbers. I then blocked that view.

He then will leave a slip on the door asking me to fill out the card and mail or call it in. If I do not call it in I will be charged a average rate for the month.

You must remember the readers carry binocolors and can read the meter from any of your neighbors yard. But they have to be looking at it strait on to be able to read the numbers. So block this view if you can.

I know every yard is different but in my case I was able to block him out pretty easy. And I did this this when my plants were smaller.

Next time you see the meter reader tell them to leave the slip on your door. I told my reader I have a sun shade blocking his view from the neighbors yard. I told him with my dogs it just best to leave the slip on my door. So far it has worked. Do this year around not just grow season. Just make it seem like your anal about meter readers or somthing. It's okay to be wierd. You can even tell them you a day sleeper and do not like be woke up by barking dogs so please just leave the slip.

I also have the same person every month reading my meter.


Well-Known Member
same thing happened to me this year , i had 1 outside my house and some city workers where suveying the lot to fix underground plumbing and my plant was between the guy with the yard-stick and the guy with the transit,, LOL
i was looking in the window and saw them chuckle a lil bit and carry on,, lol


Active Member
That's funny plantsinpants.

I'm not going to worry about it. I'm legal anyway and I use it to reduce stress.