Do male plants show signs b4 flowering?


I'm almost a month into my very first grow and was wondering if males tend to grow faster or have more space between nodes? At first I was excited about two of my youngins growing faster and taller compared to the others but now I'm worried after hearing about these alleged male tendancies. Can someone set the record str8 for me please. And also I noticed my feminized rocklock is smelling delicious and skunky already while the two bigger ones are twice the size but have little to no aroma. Is this due to more resin in the female or is it only due to the genetics?


Active Member
all the same strain, reads as they are different but unclear because if different strains dont compare growth rates, males tend to be a faster growing as i have read this several times, but only can compare growth rates of the same strain and this is no certanty ive heard put taller ones in a gruop and when u start to flower see if the taller ones are males.


Well-Known Member
Male's tend to grow that bit bigger than female's,this give's the plant a advantage because it can drop pollan over the female.But there is only one way realy of knowing a plant's sex and that is to put it into flower it is easy to spot male's once you have done it,A male plant will produce little ball's sometime's in cluster's,has soon has you spot these pull them.If you think a plant just does not look right pull it.If in dought pull it out.There is alway's a small window of time before the ball's open this is the time to pull em,once they open the damage is useually done ............................tyke...................................................

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
Yes both male and female plants show there sex during flowering, provided you give them enough time and depending on strain, as stated males generaly wil always show theres first for the reason stated above
Incorrect. All plants show sex before flowering. 18/6 + 6 weeks. Sex is shown. Mine are showing and I have not induced flowering!

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Incorrect. All plants show sex before flowering. 18/6 + 6 weeks. Sex is shown. Mine are showing and I have not induced flowering!

NOT all plants show sex before flowering. I have 4 Magic Bud plants that are well over 6 weeks old (and still vegging) and there is not a single preflower.

Just because yours have shown their gender doesn't mean that every other plant in the world will show gender under the same conditions and time-frame.


Well-Known Member
i think alot of times the males do apear alot more tall and lanky, iv only came across two and they were both tall and lanky looked stretched.


Well-Known Member
It really depends on what the strain is. But the majority of plant show there sex befor inducing the winter cycle. But there are always exeptions to the rule. Just be patient and yourgirls will show sex. as soon as they do. you'll defeninately know.


Well-Known Member
pr0j3ctmayh3m is correct a plant will show sex b4 u flower it.....they are called preflowers,males flower b4 females, i suggest u get a grow book!!!! the best one ive ever read is by author/pro grower jeorge cervantes indoor,outdoor marijuana horticultural bible,5th edition.........u can buy it cheapest at for $19
I agree that certain strains take much longer and sometimes a microscope may be required all plants are definitely different but for the most part with patience all plants will show and as you get used to growing you'll know what is female. I had one plant that had a difficult time showing but I knew it was female. No sporadic branching. Short stems. Extremely bushy and smelly. At 8 inches almost 20 grow tips? and 22 inches diameter, That is either a female or a hermie.