My thoughts exactly!!! I worked my ass off to make sure no males around my girls. Now I never thought about someone just letting the males grow just because they think they are PURTY! KILL THOSE SOB's!!!
make hash oil chop them dry them and put the m in a tube (pvc,strengthened Glass etc) put a coffee fillter one end and a small hole in the other big enough for the end of a butane can, and a prex dish and all you do is fill the tube with your weed the put the lid back on and fill with butane put the pyrex dish underneth as stuff will pour out the coffee filter. once the liquid has finished pouring through into the pyrex dish. place the dish in another pyrex dish filled with warm water this will evaporate the butane this needs to be done outside and left til the mixture stops bubbling scrape it off and there you have some lovely hash oil