do i save the plant or throw it away?

Hello, fellow pot heads. i was wondering after my plant is done budding. what do i do with it? can i keep it till next year or will it never bud again?? and if i can keep it how am i supposed to take care of it?? can i keep it outside during the winter?????


Well-Known Member
You can reveg it after harvest. You'd have to put it back on 18/6. If you just left it as is outside in the cold it will just die. It won't make it in the cold temps. You need to reveg it to keep it alive. It won't stay alive if you leave it in the flowering light cycle(12/12). So yes yopu need to take care of it to keep it alive.
You can reveg it after harvest. You'd have to put it back on 18/6. If you just left it as is outside in the cold it will just die. It won't make it in the cold temps. You need to reveg it to keep it alive. It won't stay alive if you leave it in the flowering light cycle(12/12). So yes yopu need to take care of it to keep it alive.

so your sayin if i put it back at (18/6) it will go into the (veg) stage instantley and repeat the whole process??? or would i have to wait a few months before any leaves come in???


Well-Known Member
it wont instantly come back to veg state but if you give it time it will. But why not just start new seeds or clones?


Well-Known Member
so your sayin if i put it back at (18/6) it will go into the (veg) stage instantley and repeat the whole process??? or would i have to wait a few months before any leaves come in???
it will not be instantly , it will take a month or so just to look like a normal plant again. But yes it will start the whole process over again. One more important thing is , it will not work if u take ALL the buds off it. At least leave 2 or 3 small nugs on there cause its the buds that will start spittin out new shoots. So i would guess around 2 months (maybe more) before its ready for 12/12 again.......



Active Member
I would start over if possible, for the time it takes for the plant to reveg you could have some decent seedlings started.

Or do both!


Well-Known Member
This plant is outdoors right? The simple answer that you are looking for is "no". CAN it be done? Yes if you take it inside and put it under artificial light. General practice you don't just leave your plants outside and wait until next year. The days are going to only get shorter and shorter and won't be nearly long enough for a long time outside so your plants will die before making it to the next spring/summer for veg.

This time get some seeds or clones started in about April indoors and when it's warm enough and the days are long enough in your area put them outside and let them continue to veg all summer. You get beasties when you can pull that off.