Do I need to defoliate more?

Cutting off leafs slows growth, can’t even believe that people would want to debate that. Of course the plant is going to recover but you’re removing readily available food from the plant.

Stunted growth and slowed growth are two completely different words. I shouldn't have to debate that. if you need a source.
There is research that was pointed to in something I read that claims that a wide variety of plants basically make more leafs then they need with the idea that they are redundant for damage/bugs etc and that removing 25% about has no negative effect on the plant. Which is a far cry from when I see people remove like 90% of the leafs mid flower thinking it helps.
Cutting off leafs slows growth, can’t even believe that people would want to debate that. Of course the plant is going to recover but you’re removing readily available food from the plant.
Going in for a pit stop during a race to tweak the tune on the engine also increases that Lap's time, but can greatly improve performance enough to where you win the race instead of coming in 4th...
Going in for a pit stop during a race to tweak the tune on the engine also increases that Lap's time, but can greatly improve performance enough to where you win the race instead of coming in 4th...
Very tempting to use this analogy back at you but I won’t. I stand by opinion that a properly trained and pruned plant will outperform a plant that is defoliate halfway through flower
You acted like a dickwad kid. Own it then fck off

Calling out the use of two different words with two different meanings was actually pointing out you were mistaken on what was being questioned.

Good for you for standing by your opinion. Good for you. Now go back to eating crayons and licking windows degenerate.
And by the way, we all have seen stunted growth from some growers who were way too zealous with their defoliation. You guys believe your place on that curve increases yield. Illl give you that 25% to help
Increase airflow though.
I tried defoliating this year. I didn't go hard on it and tried to keep to the >50% damaged leaf rule for the most part.

What got me to start was a post showing a plant almost stripped bare of all leaf and a pic of the same plant a week later that was really bushy.

I know what the plant strain can do when it's supercropped, topped, LST'd and I'm still doing all that so when it comes to defoliation, I feel this run will tell me what I need to know about defoliation for the future.

I used to be against it completely but I do learn and if this round turns out to be a mistake, I won't do it again.
Calling out the use of two different words with two different meanings was actually pointing out you were mistaken on what was being questioned.

Good for you for standing by your opinion. Good for you. Now go back to eating crayons and licking windows degenerate.
See, more dickwad posts from you. I haven’t insulted your intelligence, but you are a dickwad, now fck off
I'm gonna need y'all to move past this. It's moving from a debate to a fight and I know most of y'all are passionate growers and this is a hot button topic so I'm asking as another passionate grower to keep shit civil.

We all have our preferences and beliefs that we form through learning, trial and error and study. Can we bring some science into the debate and add some methodology into the mix?
Yeah when someone starts their point saying "There is research that was pointed to in something I read"

Usually means...

I read something from somewhere once upon a time on the line to prove my point "that was pointed to in something" that claims, basically... I'm regurgitating bullshit to fit my argument and anyone who questions an error in my thought process is a dickwad.
I'm gonna need y'all to move past this. It's moving from a debate to a fight and I know most of y'all are passionate growers and this is a hot button topic so I'm asking as another passionate grower to keep shit civil.

We all have our preferences and beliefs that we form through learning, trial and error and study. Can we bring some science into the debate and add some methodology into the mix?

You're right. Unwatched. Happy Growing OP.