Do I Need Replant?


Hey guys, this is my first time growing and I had these growing in a window for a few days (2-3) and I think that they are quite stretched? I have since moved them under a lamp 1-2 inches from the bulb. They seem to have stopped stretching but one of them is having problems with falling over. I then set up a toothpick and attached it to it in hopes that it would gain some more support in the stem and have a computer fan (140mm) blowing over them. Now, I am just wonder; they are about a week old now, will I need to replant them deeper in the soil to gain stability in the stems or will they "fix themselves" with this new environment? Thanks for the help guys


PS: I am specifically looking for opinions on the second picture as that is the plant that is having the most trouble staying up, the first one seems to be doing fine, except for the stretching. Thanks again guys


Well-Known Member
toothpick supports with twist-ties will help. they need more light. if they get enough, they'll fatten up ASAP.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
u dont need to transplant them yet...but i would rebury them to the bottom of the leaves... that being said, since ud be digging them up, u might as well transplant them


Alright, thanks for the quick replies guys; I am gonna try to move 'em under a 430w HPS tomorrow and see if they fatten up; if not then I guess I'll have to replant, I am just afraid of damaging any roots or the stem further if I replant..


Well-Known Member
What kind of fluorescent lights bulbs are those:?:Their not ready for a HPS light yet that's for flowering:-PFor veg you want a MH lights after they have at least one set of real leaves:lol:And still at a safe distance;-)Yes you can replant'em deeper in the dirt to give'em more support:sleep:


MrGhettoGrower: Sorry, I don't know what kind of fluoro's in the lamp; it is a Verillux reading lamp I believe. Also, I have a 430w ballast and a Hortillux bulb that's supposed to give off some of the colours in the MH spectrum; that will be fine for vegging right? I was planning on using the same light and then just changing the light pattern when changing from vegging to flowering? If they don't show any difference with the fan by this weekend I will replant 'em deeper; I am just a really novice gardener and don't wanna ruin any of the roots or the stem when replanting :P

del66666: I have a fan blowing on teh stems, it does NOT oscillate though, would that still help with strengthening the stems?


Well-Known Member
What kind of fluorescent lights bulbs are those:?:Their not ready for a HPS light yet that's for flowering:-PFor veg you want a MH lights after they have at least one set of real leaves:lol:And still at a safe distance;-)Yes you can replant'em deeper in the dirt to give'em more support:sleep:
lol these are under dual hps.............



Well-Known Member
That light is useless for growing plants. Put them under some cfls or if you only have the hps at least 5' away for now.


Alright I moved them under a 430w HPS and have a fan blowing over them as well. They are a few feet away from the light right now. I will leave them there for a few days and hopefully, they should move right along. Also, I removed the toothpick and twist ties that were supporting the second plant today and it seems to be able to support itself once again. I will keep tabs on 'em and let you know how they recover. Last question, for my next grow, is it okay to start with the HPS right away from seedlings or should I just go ahead and get some CFLs for the next time? Thanks again; great community!


Well-Known Member
cfls keep them stocky, however your results will be fine either way in my opinion............ive done both