Do I Need CO2?


Active Member
Im just wondering if CO2 is needed if my grow room is outside. i feel like my outdoor gets enough co2 so what about my indoor?


Well-Known Member

The ambient outdoor Co2 levels are around 411 ppm and can go higher than 1000 ppm indoors. I wouldn't even worry about Co2 unless you've maxed out your lighting, dialed in your environment and have everything sealed up. If you do decide to add Co2 then do it right with the proper equipment and not those worthless Co2 bags.


Active Member
what about the CO2 cups? you just add water and the pressure seeps it out slowly. And i only have 1 1200w light that draws 238w growing 5 plants im hoping to pull 3 ounces each at least


Well-Known Member
what about the CO2 cups? you just add water and the pressure seeps it out slowly. And i only have 1 1200w light that draws 238w growing 5 plants im hoping to pull 3 ounces each at least
Totally worthless man.

I've heard a decent metric for a good grow is 1 Watt of power from the wall = 1 gram of bud, ready to smoke. I know lots of people growing LED personally who see better returns than that. You're hoping to pull in 425 grams, you're gonna need more lighting.

All the CO2 in the world won't make up for that deficit.


Active Member
no itll just be 84 grams each plant thats about 3 ounces. and do you mean i just hot box my room occasionally?


Well-Known Member
no itll just be 84 grams each plant thats about 3 ounces. and do you mean i just hot box my room occasionally?
Yeah, 84 grams each plant times 5 plants, my guy. You're not pulling 420 grams off of that light, you need better equipment to get the kind of return you're hoping to see.


Well-Known Member
Really depends on a lot of factors, it's hard to say what would work best in your circumstances. I just know that your hoped for yield probably won't happen with your light right now.

I'm not really sure how daisy chaining another light to draw 420w total would compare to just getting a more powerful light. Presumably you'd see a similar result, but I imagine others are more knowledgeable than me.


Well-Known Member
I'd say that's baseline for a decent grow. My friend, who's experienced at gardening but new to growing cannabis, just pulled 1.2 or 1.3 GPW on his recent grow.


Active Member
okay a half pound is still a good start ill try to sell some to get my next light. im also going to work on getting a cheap solar panel and turn my grow room to a self sufficient grow room so i have a lot to work on but i appreciate the lesson thx for the help


Well-Known Member
Yep, happy to help! Just don't want you going into it with a super unrealistic expectation. You should still be able to get some good bud, and moving it for a nicer light is a story as old as indoor growing itself.


Active Member
yessir i appreciate it ill work on my lighting, one day ill get a pound each. you gotta start somewhere! ill figure it out

Destroyer of chairs

Well-Known Member
No, you don't.

Don't even worry about CO2 until and unless you've perfected literally every other aspect of your grow. You're better off spending your time and money elsewhere.
Unless ur in an environment where such is necessary. Let's say winter time. Can't bring in fresh air or exhaust alot of damp warm air.

Pulling in all that cold air makes the power usage go up, which is expensive for many and a security issue for me(don't know if power company will tip the cops).

If u try to stay under the radar, exhausting alot of warm air with high RH to outside freezing temperatures will give u a challenge.


Well-Known Member
okay a half pound is still a good start ill try to sell some to get my next light. im also going to work on getting a cheap solar panel and turn my grow room to a self sufficient grow room so i have a lot to work on but i appreciate the lesson thx for the help
Any decent solar system to power your grow room is going to have significant upfront costs. And depending on where you live it may not provide reliable power when you need it due to weather and overcast days. Those cheap plug and play panels putting out a few hundred watts won't provide enough power.
I just went through the same thing. So i added another light. Then i got light burn. Lol. It takes a while. Ive currently got 1 light on 2 plants in dwc buckets. Phlizon makes a good cob led for cheap. Good luck.