Do I Have White Mold? Help!


Active Member

We just had some clones brought to me about a week ago. They were all very nice and healthy looking. Then today we noticed one was looking a little "funny", and when we looked closer we noticed a white powder on some of the leaves. We know the dangers of white mold and are trying not to panic too hard right now....can anyone tell me if that's what it looks like? I got a couple decent pics but can try to get better ones if need be.
PLEASE HELP! + rep for anyone who tries!!



Well-Known Member
Yup, thats PM (powdery mildew). They have lots of foliar sprays you can use to treat the leaves. I'm actually gonna go pick some up in a couple hours. Since they're clones, and PM is systemic, that means the mother most likely had the PM and you just brought it home with your clones. Just get a spray and treat the plants every wek or 2, and you should b good. I'm halfway through flowering and I gotta spray my plants, not exactly ideal, but I'm not gonna stress out over it either. Just part of growing, and it's good it happened early in your growing experience, because every obsticle you overcome is a valuable piece of knowledge gained for future grows!!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Yeah that is PM bro. Like Metasynth said get some spray and if you stay on top of it you can keep it under control and maybe even get rid of it. But unless you kill off the plants and clean your grow rooms from top to bottom it is almost impossible to get rid of. GL on that problem I am dealing with it and it is a pain.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that is PM bro. Like Metasynth said get some spray and if you stay on top of it you can keep it under control and maybe even get rid of it. But unless you kill off the plants and clean your grow rooms from top to bottom it is almost impossible to get rid of. GL on that problem I am dealing with it and it is a pain.
What stage of growth you in, and whatcha using? I'm going with Greencure.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
What stage of growth you in, and whatcha using? I'm going with Greencure.
I have 3.5 rooms so I run a perpetual grow. I have 12 plants constantly flowering and anywhere from 15-18 plants in veg under MH and CFL's. I got it from a dirty grower and I wish I never did but it is what it is. I have found that Ortho Elementals works great, and I got some Fung-onil Multi purpose fungicide works good too. If you keep on top of it it will be reduced to a minor pain in the but! I also put in extra ventilation fans and stopped foliar feeding so I think that helped.


Active Member
Thanks all....not the best news but hopefully we can keep it contained. Gonna get rid of that clone and treat the others in the veg chamber with some spray...any recommendations on what kind to get? We live in a small town so most things have to be ordered online.
One other thing I was wondering about....we live in a dry cold climate, so temps usually range from 60-75 in the growroom and about 15-20% humidity, but lately we have noticed the humidity has been up more in the 30-40 range. Could this be a reason the mold was able to thrive on this plant? We have added a lot of hydro systems so I am sure that is why the humidity is higher. Any recommendations on how to lower the humidity? The plants grew MUCH better in the lower humidity for some reason.

Thanks again for the help, VERY much appreciated!


Active Member
I have 3.5 rooms so I run a perpetual grow. I have 12 plants constantly flowering and anywhere from 15-18 plants in veg under MH and CFL's. I got it from a dirty grower and I wish I never did but it is what it is. I have found that Ortho Elementals works great, and I got some Fung-onil Multi purpose fungicide works good too. If you keep on top of it it will be reduced to a minor pain in the but! I also put in extra ventilation fans and stopped foliar feeding so I think that helped.
Just noticed you mentioned what type of spray to it helps to medicate AFTER reading helpful posts, not before! lol....thanks!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey no worries, I think I got the Ortho at Wal-Mart so no matter where you live in the US there is an evil Wal-Mart near you! LOL If not do the site to store shipping. If it is just on the little ones you may be able to treat and get rid of it. But pull the little girls out and clean your whole grow room with some bleach water and stay on top of the little ones. Remember PM does best when plants are unhealthy or weak. I notice that I will get a flare up when my plants need to be watered and they are weak.


Active Member
How many days was the humidity at 30-40%? PM shouldnt grow with humidity that low. They say 50% and above is when it starts


Active Member
How many days was the humidity at 30-40%? PM shouldnt grow with humidity that low. They say 50% and above is when it starts
It started 2-3 weeks ago when I put up my new tent. Its bigger than my older tent I don't know if that would make a difference but that is all I can think of.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
get some eagle 20. youll never have mold again. very strong stuff though, so be carefull. very carefull. if u dont want some thing that strong, then get some of that organic bull shit and pray it dont come back.


Well-Known Member
Yes if you are serious get eagle 20 and its a half a teaspoon per gal and you should not use it in flower. Looking at your pics you are getting a Potassium/ Phosphorus def so take a look at that as well. I suggest you foliar spray a blooming nute ( mixed per directions please) that is the fastest way to fix that.


Active Member
Thank you everyone for your input. We have decided to scrap the clone and pay VERY close attention to the rest of the young plants that were in the same area as the infected clone. Once again all of your help is appreciated and I am glad to know what to do if this situation arises again.:-D:clap::weed:


Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone for your input. We have decided to scrap the clone and pay VERY close attention to the rest of the young plants that were in the same area as the infected clone. Once again all of your help is appreciated and I am glad to know what to do if this situation arises again.:-D:clap::weed:
Be careful not taking care of that its a spore that floats around in the air and it has already infected your other plants. You don't want to get 6 weeks in and all your plants and PW on them.