Do I have Males?


Active Member
Theyve been up this high from the start..What happens when temps get up that high? I have darker leaves on the bottoms and greenier leaves on top... Touch of nute burn on #1 and 1 other small 1 got hit hard last week.. I do mist them daily... I put a wet cloth in to get humidity up.. Cup of water.. And I have water in a jug sitting letting off chems etc.. and bottled tap water left exposed for a few days.. They get a fan running occasionally ...

See yal in awhile..

Will check back in a few days..


Well-Known Member
The older leaves will always be a darker green and the newer growth will always be lighter. This is how mother nature works her miracle plants. Anyways with really high temps you get burnt plants and stunted growth. Just make sure your temps don't get over 85 then your really testing your watters. The humidity is fine the best way is wet towels like I told you previously. JUST WATCH THE TEMPS, do you have a fan on them???? Fans are very important, because they build tough strong stems for budding and keeping the canopy of the plants cooler from the lights


Active Member
Hi Pennywise.. I have a fan on sometimes.. Its pretty powerful even on low.. Not that noisy though. One of the honeywell high perf 1s.. That can be mounted to a wall etc.. tiltable.. I run it for an hour or so every other day atleast.. They sway alot, Ill probably start running it more often.. I can't believe I didn't think of wet towels before..

Here are some more pictures..




Active Member
From my last set is that the definition of a catalyst (img_2485) from #1 ( electrical tape and papertowel rap)??...


Well-Known Member
Any opinion on Img_2485 (in the last set) closetkiller?
:bigjoint:i'm thinkin girl. but i'm a newbie(to growing) :dunce: and a optimist:-P and always thinking girls:mrgreen: i want to put a couple pics up of mine. they are 26 days from germ:weed: my batteries are dead in my camera:wall: they have little hairs starting but it to early to tell:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I think 2485 is a male, if you can take a better pic and crop it we can be 99.9% sure.;-)
:blsmoke: i am pretty new to this early sexing.go with someone with more expiereance,or wait a little longer. i have done mostly outddor grows(25 years ago),where you can wait a little longer to tell. i am into my 2nd closet grow and trying to tell what mine are:?:


Active Member
Hey All, I chopped #1... Diddnt' want to risk it.. I have 2 females atm and 1 suspect male.. and a suspect female.. Ill post pics soon..


Active Member
1 out of 2 girls here. Girl was much healthier and bushier so I was glad to toss out the droopy boy.