Do I have Males?


Active Member
Hey All.. Been lurking for awhile.. First time grow here.. Bagseed (outdoors) .. I was wondering if these are males or females.. Too early?

Took pics of 2 biggest plants so far.. Kinda look like males can't tell.. No obvious pistils visible as far as I can see..




Well-Known Member
Sorry about the balls.
Maybe you could save the plant to mix with trimmings from some females to get some low grade hash.


Well-Known Member
I would still wait and see, because from your pics I can't really tell they are to blurry. here are some pics of males and my females. males trashed 4 days ago.

pic1) male
pic2) female.



Well-Known Member
#2 def a fem and #1 might be male, but need to wait at least2 more days to be sure...

You know males are usually the biggest and fastest growing plant from all 1 strain. Say if you have 10 seeds of 1 strain males will be taller and lankier, but this is only 90% true fro example here in this pic the bushiest biggest plant is a she and the lankiest one is a she the rest are males. I had to pull them....

PIC) you see the biggest one on lower left fem anf the lanky bitch on top right fem, the rest where male....:wall:



Active Member
Very nice.. #1\#2 is oldest.. With the rest started a little later.. #2 is female... That is good 2 know.. Hopefully #1 goes that way aswell.. Ill wait a few days and post some more pics of the others..
