Do I Have LSA Crystals?


Well-Known Member
drink the alcohol or evaporate the power of greyskull!

a pound or 2 of heavenly blue???? .. that is alot of seeds to grind. my heavenly blue trips were always alot more visual than hbwr, anyone else ever notice that? well..your not a ghoul persay, but it fits with your avatar :D


Well-Known Member
If I can handcut and grind mimosa bark with a metal mortar and pestle you can do that.

wonder what it would be like mixing with rivea seed...

The seeds of Rivea corymbosa contain about 0.01-0.08% ergot alkaloids, including ergine, isoergine,chanoclavine and lysergol.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose is predominantly iso-LSA. Which is heavily sedating and only mildly psychedelic. Morning glory seeds are predominantly LSA which is very psychedelic, and hardly any iso-LSA at all! Now Rivea Corymbosa has a pretty even ration of all. LSA is slightly more plentiful in it though then iso-LSA.
I don't know the chemistry,but from experience with both morning glory seeds and HBWS is the latter has a geeky high with some mild LSD like effects. Morning glory seeds are another animal all together. A clean powerful trip,w/o many after effects.

HBWS,seem to have some other alkaloids that stay with you a couple of days,IME. It always left me feeling a little depersonalized for a day or two.

Have fun and be careful.