do i have a problem?


Active Member
hey guys i think i need some help, i'm about three weeks into veg from seed using drip/drain and my little ones are starting to develop some yellow spots and some, it almost looks like yellow streaks running across the leaf.

Here is what i'm doing:
  • ph between 5-6
  • ppm 250
  • using liquid karma and pure gro
  • watering three times daily for 15
  • rockwool medium
  • rez temp 70 F
  • four 24" full spectrum grow lights left on 24/7
Any suggestions? am i watering to much or buringing the plant with nutes? my mixture is very low. I dunno please give me a little help.



Well-Known Member
Cannabis seeds have enough nutrients for the first two or three weeks of growth...could be too much nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Yeah no nutes yet bro, wait till they are 2 weeks and start at 1/4 stength


Active Member
Yeah no nutes yet bro, wait till they are 2 weeks and start at 1/4 stength
my girls are about three weeks old, i dilluted my nutes by adding about two gallons of distilled water to my rez taking the ppm down to about 200. should i wait a day or two to see if the problem gets worse, or should i empty my rez now and either go with a weaker nute mix or no nutes at all? I think they should be about ready for some nutes...what do you think?


Active Member
my girls are about three weeks old, i dilluted my nutes by adding about two gallons of distilled water to my rez taking the ppm down to about 200. should i wait a day or two to see if the problem gets worse, or should i empty my rez now and either go with a weaker nute mix or no nutes at all? I think they should be about ready for some nutes...what do you think?


Active Member
my girls are about three weeks old, i dilluted my nutes by adding about two gallons of distilled water to my rez taking the ppm down to about 200. should i wait a day or two to see if the problem gets worse, or should i empty my rez now and either go with a weaker nute mix or no nutes at all? I think they should be about ready for some nutes...what do you think?
need a little help here guys ...:shock:


Well-Known Member
honestly, they look small for three weeks. you may be watering too much. is that rockwool drying out at all in between waterings? ur nute mix looks ok at those ppms. try cutting your watering times in half and see what happens.


Active Member
right on man, my rockwool is a little damp were the driper is positioned but other than that its pretty dry. i'll try cutting the watering time, but i think i'll also need to run just some straight distilled for a a couple days. I woke up to day and my biggest had a brown edge. Do you think flushing for a couple days will help? how long should i flush with just distilled water before add nutes again?

In the second pic i just posted, i have a girl with some droopy leaves is this a definate sign of over watering?



Active Member
i have one man, its sitting in the back right of my 36"x26"x48" area. I move it from one side to the other every couple of days.


Well-Known Member
instead of flushing maybe just empty half the res and dilute it. unless the brown edge gets worse but you should post a pic of it.


Active Member
right on man, my rockwool is a little damp were the driper is positioned but other than that its pretty dry. i'll try cutting the watering time, but i think i'll also need to run just some straight distilled for a a couple days. I woke up to day and my biggest had a brown edge. Do you think flushing for a couple days will help? how long should i flush with just distilled water before add nutes again?

In the second pic i just posted, i have a girl with some droopy leaves is this a definate sign of over watering?
Attached Thumbnails


Active Member
sorry man just saw your reply, thanks for gettin back at me. I'll try diluting a little more, i'm trying to get my camera to take more of a detailed pic. I'll post some more tommorrow for an update.