Do I have a Hermie?


Well-Known Member
In the first pic - you can see I got a white pistal on the right side but looks like balls on the other. Is it a hermie?

Kind of hard to tell, But I believe your diagnosis is correct. Be careful when the lights are out. If there is ANY light leaks at all when the dark period is in effect, things like this will happen. Do not bother them at all when the lights are out. Also, heat can do this too. Good luck :)

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Kind of hard to tell, But I believe your diagnosis is correct. Be careful when the lights are out. If there is ANY light leaks at all when the dark period is in effect, things like this will happen. Do not bother them at all when the lights are out. Also, heat can do this too. Give it another 3 or 4 days, and you will know for sure. Good luck :)

That is a male my friend and if you have any other females kill it quick unless you wish to make seeds.

Here is a pic of my last male used for breeding.



Thanks Northern Lights. Appreciate the kind help.
They do have complete darkness at night.
Might take pics of my other 3 to be sure.
This should be a simple thing - but I guess when you are a newb you question it.
Be back soon with a few more pics


Active Member
i agree with northeastern lights no white hairs true male that is an easy call get rid of it soon remember what he looks like you shouldve known that was a male a couple days ago the longer you keep him with any other females and he will rape and violate every one of them LOL


Well-Known Member
There is one lonley hair in a mountain of balls. That's a male with ONE hair not a hermie.
Still a Hermie, Never seen a male plant in my lifetime with a female "white hair", that was just considered a "male plant" Dude, its a "Hermie". Get over it. I have been growing for over 10 years, Im not a newbie. Peace :bigjoint:


Active Member
i dont think thats a white hair doesnt even look attached to the plant atleast in the pic im not sayin its not it just looks that way to me no matter what hermie or male still does the same as a male keep it away far away different room or the trash can


It is a white hair - it popped out several days ago - and I thought yeah female and then that was the only part with one - then a few days ago it got very ballsy