Do I have a guy or gal?


Well-Known Member
How old is the plant? That looks like a growth shoot coming in and I see no signs of sex yet so wondering if the plant is even old enough to show?


New Member

Telling a female marijuana plant from a male one can be tricky for the inexperienced grower. It is, however, essential to get a knack for doing this as early as possible. Unless you're breeding or cross-breeding marijuana, there is no reason to have male plants in the grow room. In actual fact, having a male marijuana plant in the grow room does way more harm than good.

If a male is kept in a grow room, it will eventually release a pollen which pollenates the female flower. Once this has happened the female bud will have seeds, the plant is less potent and now also full of seeds. If you have any males in the grow room, rip them out as soon as you see them. If you manage to do this, your buds will be 'sinsemilla' (literally meaning without seeds). Check the description below and also have a look at some marijuana pictures. This is the best way to easily tell a male marijuana plant from a female one.

For half price female auto seeds go to

Female Marijuana Plant Pictures

Male Marijuana Plant Pictures

Female marijuana plants
Clusters of flowers known as buds or colas only occur on female or hermaphrodite plants. Hermaphrodites are plants that are part male, part female. If you want sinsemilla buds, make sure you only have pure females.

Plants in constant light can sometimes start to show some pre-flowers after only a few weeks of growth. Usually though it takes a change in light cycle to trigger the plants into full reproductive mode.

Most varieties of marijuana require 12 hours of darkness per day to induce their flowering cycles. Sativa varieties sometimes need more. Indica varieties can sometimes take less. Ruderalis varieties can flower whatever.

Early female marijuana flowers look like little furry hairs, usually white, but they can be other colors. Early male flowers look a bit like small bunches of mini green bananas. Look near the leaf joins on your plants to see them emerging.

Even pure female plants have the potential to turn male or hermaphrodite. This can happen if the plant is stressed too much through bad treatment or if chemicals are applied to the plant to induce male flowering.

Male marijuana plants
Unless you have plans to breed or to produce lots of seeds, always separate male and female plants as soon as their sex becomes apparent. Remember one or two male marijuana plants can turn a whole crop to seed and you just don't want that happening.
Once you have a good female plant that you would like to keep you can place it in constant light to stop it from flowering. This plant can then be a "mother" for you to take cuttings from whenever you wish. See the cloning marijuana section for more info.


Well-Known Member
How old is the plant? That looks like a growth shoot coming in and I see no signs of sex yet so wondering if the plant is even old enough to show?
The plant the clone was taken from is 2 months old and the clone was 3 days of age when I moved it into the flowering room. Should I have vegged it longer?


Well-Known Member
yes a lot longer it needs more time building a good strong root system rather than go straight into flowering
I was not aware of that.. I thought I was able to take a clone and put it into flowering to determine sex. I don't intend on budding it.


New Member
all i'm saying is a female likes to be treated like a lady :wink: a little more time in veg then she/he would of clearly showed signs of gender by now

but hang in there like bugeye states and i'm sure you will find out soon


Well-Known Member
Here are some updated pictures.. can anyone spot anything yet? I have several clones from the mother of this particular strain now and I want to get my first bud as soon as possible.. would it be in my best interest to ditch this current clone (or let it run?) thats flowering and just switch the light cycle for my large plant and build up a nice clone for a future mother?

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg


Well-Known Member
All you have to do is look for 2 thin fuzzy white hairs (will look different than everything else on the plant) If you see those you've got a female. This is my 1st time growing and Im doing nirvana auto bubblelicious. It was clearly female in 23 days. When it shows its sex you will def know one way or the other.


Well-Known Member
You got a lady my friend. Happy growing!!!
That's what I thought. Thanks for your input! Should I keep this clone going in flowering with my others, or is it too small to hold the weight of the buds it will be producing?


If you got room for it put it in there. If its smaller than your other plants use something to prop it up so its even with the rest of your canopy :-)