Do i feed every time i water

no you only feed if the plant needs it and most people do feed-water-water-water-feed or feed-water-water-feed. some plants are heavy feeders and some burn very easily so start low and adjust.
It depends… I’ve been feeding with every watering while my plants are doing their initial flowering stretch, but I’m using mellow organic nutrients (fish hydrolysate, kelp, etc) that have little risk of burning my plants. I’m feeding my soil rather than feeding nutrients that are immediately available and risk burning your plants.
If you get the dilution wrong you can nuke your plants to death. I'm a less is more guy in that dept.

You can always add more but you can't take too much back. The plant problem forum is littered with over feeders.
And its bleu berry cbd dunt know if its cause of the strain or nute difitensy lol sorry for bad spelling didnt pass high school ahahaha
It depends, you can dose your fertilizer so you feed once a week you can dose it so you feed every time, I fertilize every time indoor and roughly once a week outdoor. What nutes are you using? Are your plants showing any signs of nute burn or nute deficiency?
It depends, you can dose your fertilizer so you feed once a week you can dose it so you feed every time, I fertilize every time indoor and roughly once a week outdoor. What nutes are you using? Are your plants showing any signs of nute burn or nute deficiency?
Yes i think thats y its turning purple its floraison bloom a and b bottels how do i get rid of the purple i hear its phoshat default