Do I fail at buying soil?

I'm a first timer. Setting up an outdoor garden and went to get all the supplies yesterday.

I bought this soil:

And it ended up being this:

This doesn't look right to me. Should I go get other soil? Maybe try one plant in this stuff since I already bought it?


Active Member
I'm a first timer. Setting up an outdoor garden and went to get all the supplies yesterday.

I bought this soil:

And it ended up being this:

This doesn't look right to me. Should I go get other soil? Maybe try one plant in this stuff since I already bought it?
you need some POTTING SOIL broski not garden soil although you can put this on top of your potting soil once your plants estrablished make a dome like with this garden soil to help keep moisture in


Well-Known Member
Here is the only outdoor recipe i use

1 PART supersoil,
Manure(your choice),
Bone Meal(dried),
Blood Meal,

and lastly

1/2 bag of Perlite or Vermiculite .

Watering needed throughout season..enjoy!


The Warlord

Well-Known Member
If you can find it get Fox Farm brand potting soil. Everyone says it's the best. Got worm castings and bat guano in it. Very expensive but worth it I think. Just bought two bags and I can see a big difference from what i was originally going to use from home depot (Earth Grow). 3 times the price for half as much but if you want the best ya gotta pay fer it. it's available at Hydroponic stores.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
The Kellogs is a great amendment for bad soil but not good to grow in if you use pots. I use the same as the Warlord. Fox Farms Ocean Forest potting soil. Its good stuff!


Well-Known Member
is there even any soil in amongst all those woodchips?
id be taking that back and telling them its mulch, not soil like its advertised as.