Do female plants need a male plant


Male flowers dont produce very much THC, mostly pollen sacks. They dont make buds, It's going to be shwag, fresh shwag that might smell ok but its a quick buzz. The pollen and what not may give you a headache.
My plants are developing seeds,there are two right now, is there any product I can buy to prevent the other ones from geting seeds they are 42 days from when the flowering started.


Active Member
could try 'Dutch masters Reverse' - although i think thats just for stopping male flowers maybe...i dunno take a look


Do you think I can deseed them because I was checking them and there seeded ,they seem to be all clone from a hermaphroditic plant should I cut now before it gets worse or could I give them another month.


Well-Known Member
if by chance you have a male and female plant, if the male pollinates the fm, can the fm still be harvested and smoked? My guess is you can, but it will just have seeds right?


Active Member
Yo guys I'm not much of an expert, but I'm pretty sure you can mate a female and female, which will produce feminised seeds.

nvm didn't realize how old this thread was. That guy bumped it....