Do dogs miss their parents when split from them?


Well-Known Member
Because some people are heartless assholes?
Have you heard about the drought and fammine in Somalia? I guess they need a billion dollars for water and food or millions of people are going to die.
Sorry to hear the dogs depressed, maybe he needs to get laid, you should find a bitch who will let your dog fuck her
Well ok then.

Whats somalia got to do with anything about this mans loss ? Ever been to the continent of africa in person ?


Well-Known Member
Well ok then.

Whats somalia got to do with anything about this mans loss ? Ever been to the continent of africa in person ?
I was at Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe recently and I just got back from Australia,
It only has something to do with his dog in that maybe it will help to put things in perspective, I could bu upset I have Hep C instead i'm happy I have Beer


Well-Known Member
my dog cried actual tears when we brought him home for the first time, but in time (like two or three days), he was getting along fine, fat and happy. he's well loved here


Well-Known Member
My female pup that is a daughter of the mom lives with grandma next door. She breaks out often to run here been 2 months since grandma took care of her and she still breaks out to come to me :) i heard scratching today and thought the dad came back looked and thought it was the mom who came back. Looked closer it was her daughter lol


Well-Known Member
I was at Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe recently and I just got back from Australia,
It only has something to do with his dog in that maybe it will help to put things in perspective, I could bu upset I have Hep C instead i'm happy I have Beer
Cool,i knew you were trying to help.

Ive been to africa as well,ive been to severeral countrys there as well as saudi & a few other less interesting countrys for my construction carerr,the corp i managed had a 20 mil a year blanket contract with the state dept for us embassy construction & maintainance,after thr creation of homeland security i no longer qualified to work or contribute to the design of government instalations.

I met some super nice folks in africa,even though i had a marine corp special escort everywhere i went i still got to meet people & go where they allowed me,mostly small rural areas,large bazzars & markets were off limits.

One thing i learned from meeting with gov officials & in country big business is the entire continent of africa is one giant corrupt money making machine,everywhere,all off the backs of the sick & poor,the world sends them billions of dollars & 90% of the money sent to help them goes to politicians,big business,war lords & other parasites,ive been personaly involved in bribes & pay offs with big wigs in africa.

Famine would not exist if the aid sent was used for the right reasons,disease would also be lessoned,misquito nets sent to protect children from malaria are sold on the black market at fishing nets,medicine is shipped directly out of the country & whats left is sold to those lucky enough to have money,food aid is black marketed & confiscated by local militias & used to feed armys.

It sucks whats going on over there but imo we do more than enough for them,until their governments stop stealing everything they can food & monetary aid is better spent right here in the good ole usa.

For general info africa is not the only famine going on at this time,communist korea is experiencing one of the worst famines on record,people are starving everywhere .