Do cold temps stunt growth of bud


Active Member
my plants are 4wks into flowering and for the last 3 weeks its been really cold at night. the temps in grow room at night when light is off have been as low as 5.6f. its dangerously low i think.. will this stunt growth and slow bud production.??
i think it already has.
last nite the temp was 8.7f.
ive tried taking the intake from my bedroom via a hole in ceiling but its causing extreme humidity in the g,rm and ive had condensation runnin dwn the walls. im currently taking the intake from the loft but the temperature will be below or around 10f. ive heard that 10f can be fine for plants in flower but dont know if this is true or not. there was a lot of crystal on my bud but somehow it seems to be or maybe just looks like its dissapearing.. ?????????

im growing w/widow n also sum bigbud afghani.
my budz are tiny and with only 4 weeks to go b4 there chopped dwn its not lookin promising.

can any1 help me.. ive been told to put my lights on at night but how can i do this if there already comin on at 6 in mornin n go of at 6 at night.????
can i change it without affecting the plants.???? i honestly aint got a clue wot to do.. its not my first grow but its the first time ive encountered really freezin weather.


Well-Known Member
You can buy a little heater fan at target for like 14 bucks. It will keep the area at whatever temp you want. You should keep temps at 65F at night at the minimum to keep flowering normal and healthy with most strains. But plants can take spells of colder than that and still survive.

My room sometimes gets down to about 60-62 in the early mornings after the light has gone off and before I get up and turn the heater on. There's nothing wrong with them.


Active Member
my day time temp peak around 76f and my humidity is about 70+% sumtimes its lower but not that much.

i run 2x400w hps and have 3 -20litre nft tanks which is probably why my humidity is high.
extractors are both rvk100,s and i run them 24/7 so i dont get any build up of smell. not that they smell much coz temps are low all the time just now..

im thinkin bout getting an oil radiator for night time so i can try n keep the temp around 60f but dont know if its gona be possible with it being in the loft.


Active Member
if i keep them at that temp for the nxt 4 weeks do you think i will see a big difference in the size of the budz.???


Well-Known Member
I use a heating pad on a timer @ night.This keeps my average temp at night w/lights off at @ 69degrees f


Well-Known Member
just buy a good fan heater, thats what i did just make sure it has a good thermostat and keeps to the temp you set it at,
my blow heater acts as a fan also,
when at right temp it just blows air, when it gets to hot it blows cold air, and when to cold it blows hot air,
try setting so your lights come on at night, thats what i do so iam not using lots of power on heater all night,
but saying that i have found that using my blow heater it does drop the humidity to as low as 20% sometimes, i just pop a allready rested jug of water in there seems to do the trick,
peace out


Active Member
thanx passking ive just bouhjt a heater and have got it in g,rm so will only tell if its gona work tomorrow when i check wot nite temp fell to.. hope it wrks..



Well-Known Member
cool hope it all works out 4 ya
oh and how do u know in morning what temps fell to?
does your thermo tell max and min temps were?
if so what thermo is it?
iam sick of running up and down to celler checking temps are right or not for a certen setting that ive changed, fan 1 speed, intake 1 speed, outtake
1 speed, makin me dizzy


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yup cold can slow it down but your buds should be getting ready to take off soon.The more sativa the longer itll take.If your growing hydro make sure res temps dont get below 65 degress F either.Remember those little mini heaters that are electric use 1500 watts so it will make a bill change.And your right you cant change your light to that schedule now.Its best to do it from day 1 flower so you always plan ahead for the future.


Well-Known Member
i believe the thermometer is an envirolite temperature and humidity reader.. 10 quid from ebay.. im back using this name now that my ban has been lifted. just incase you were wondering lol..

hi fletch cheers for info m8. im glad you said that bout not changing the light times coz i was actually plannin on doin it but not now lol... sometimes the water in rez has dropped to around 11-13c at night but hopfully with the heater in there it should stay alot higher. my plants are white widow and also bigbud afghani.. im not sure of the indica/sativa % of each strain but think i was told its 60%indica n 40%sativa..

i hope they do well and produce the kinda buds you see in other peoples grows.



Well-Known Member
Yup cold can slow it down but your buds should be getting ready to take off soon.The more sativa the longer itll take.If your growing hydro make sure res temps dont get below 65 degress F either.Remember those little mini heaters that are electric use 1500 watts so it will make a bill change.And your right you cant change your light to that schedule now.Its best to do it from day 1 flower so you always plan ahead for the future.
The mini heater I got for 14.99 has 3 settings - 600w / 900w /1200w- and it dosen't run all the time- it runs for maybe 10 minutes per hour.

Just F.Y.I.


Well-Known Member
cool hope it all works out 4 ya
oh and how do u know in morning what temps fell to?
does your thermo tell max and min temps were?
if so what thermo is it?
iam sick of running up and down to celler checking temps are right or not for a certen setting that ive changed, fan 1 speed, intake 1 speed, outtake
1 speed, makin me dizzy
Here's a simple solution. Get a wireless setup that tells you grow room temp and RH and max/min temp. Also the time, and temp where the receiver is.
I got mine from Bass Pro shop but they're available everywhere.


Well-Known Member
the meters i have are fine even though i would like wireless ones. i dont need to go into g,rm to tell wot temps are coz ive got the kina temp meter thats got a senser on say 6-7 foot of cable. ive placed sensor in g,rm and left the unit outside it so when lights are of i can poke my head in loft n check the temps..

last night with the heater on it fell to around 56f which is still alittle low but its the weather thats making it harder to achieve the correct temps.. might get another heater but its gona put costs thru the roof.


Active Member
I shouldn't worry too much, most weight and size on buds happen in the last three weeks of flowering :)

I have another thread going about heating my growspace, I was going for a oil filled radiator and someone mentioned that the one I was looking at was 2K but, as mentioned in this thread, surely it wouldn't be on all the time, just long enough to push the temp back up.
My main concern is the extraction fan taking the warm air out to quickly and making the radiator work to hard, costing me money :(