Do butterflies have emotions

NICE MAN. so i was outside for my wake and bake because I needed to do something. I put my hand on my wall to catch my fall and I feel this furry shit so I let go. I turn around like "Oh fuck, it's gonna be some weird bug" and it's this fat cocoon right on my wall, Immediately I thought of the movie cocoon and wanted to squish it, but then I went "ahh, poor little guy just wants to spread his wing, and you're a knowledgeable enough of a creature to have the decency to let him live his short emotionless life."

Yeah, then that last part got me thinking, do butterflies have feelings? Do they go around thinking, "ohhhh, ahhhh, so pretty" or are they just buzzin around like automaton robots on this cold saturday mornin.

OHHHHH, dam this song just came on and I have to share it with you.



Well-Known Member
Don't think they're smart enough for emotions like that. But anyways - it's a beautiful harmless bug, that helps pollinate our fruits, flower and stuff. Killing it for no reason just don't make any sense to me ;O) I only kill bugs that are a pain in the ass like ants, mosquitos and cockroaches (or how you spell that).
Yes, freedom, something we will never be able to take away from the butterflies!

Don't think they're smart enough for emotions like that. But anyways - it's a beautiful harmless bug, that helps pollinate our fruits, flower and stuff. Killing it for no reason just don't make any sense to me ;O) I only kill bugs that are a pain in the ass like ants, mosquitos and cockroaches (or how you spell that).

andtotally man, I forgot that insects use sensors and chemical signals not really sight. Haha what do you think it's like for different insects to get high. I remember one time i was at this shitty little shelter and there was two bees and a moth. We kept blowing blunt smoke and the bee's kept getting what looked like disoriented and they started falling out of the air midflight haha. the moth was chill, just doing what he does and he didn't seem to be affected. Do you think different bugs are affected differently by cannabis smoke?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't think a bug can get high - would think it lacks those receptors getting it high. I know for a fact that a Degu (like a squirrel) can get high. I had one, that was just not very tame so i could never hold it. Blew smoke on it - 1 minute later it was calm and smiling, and i could actually hold it ;O)


Well-Known Member
NICE MAN. so i was outside for my wake and bake because I needed to do something. I put my hand on my wall to catch my fall and I feel this furry shit so I let go. I turn around like "Oh fuck, it's gonna be some weird bug" and it's this fat cocoon right on my wall, Immediately I thought of the movie cocoon and wanted to squish it, but then I went "ahh, poor little guy just wants to spread his wing, and you're a knowledgeable enough of a creature to have the decency to let him live his short emotionless life."

Yeah, then that last part got me thinking, do butterflies have feelings? Do they go around thinking, "ohhhh, ahhhh, so pretty" or are they just buzzin around like automaton robots on this cold saturday mornin.

OHHHHH, dam this song just came on and I have to share it with you.


That was deep.. nice thread my friend.

I too have found myself wondering the same question. Well, not the same exact question with the same exact context, but very similar thoughts none the less.

I've found myself in the past, and even from time to time currently, I still find myself thinking about things like that.

I've always wondered how dogs think. Now, I'm not talking about how they "think" - rather, how they think logically. I mean, is a dogs life the same as humans?

I've wondered about questions like these for a long time now.

For another example, I find myself often wondering about life & death. I want you to really open your mind.. and think deeply about what life is.. what you, as a human really are.. and what are you doing and where are you going. Think about it.. seriously. If you think of life, as in an energy form.. like each one of us has a soul.. and I believe that each one of our souls.. is nothing but a extreme powerful energy. I mean, think about every second and every minute of your entire life and the energy that you not only used, but the energy that you created. Like for example, right now.. I'm sitting down in a computer chair, thinking and typing this post.. while doing so.. I'm not only using energy, but I'm actually producing energy as well.

I'm sure most of you know what 'De Ja Vuu' is, right? You go somewhere or see something.. that just really gives you the feeling that you have been there or seen what your seeing before.. but you can't quite put your finger on it. Well, who are we to say that maybe possibly, your picking up on your own energy from a 'past life'. Who's to say that we all haven't had past lives? I mean, if it is indeed true.. that we do all have past lives, we wouldn't know it.. I mean it wouldn't be something that you would/could hardly remember you know.. but see, when you see something or go somewhere for the first time, and you get that sense of "hey, I've been here or seen this before," kinda feeling (De Ja Vuu) - I believe its your soul picking up on that.. its picking up on the energy and motions that you left there, while you were there in your past life.

Anyhow, I don't want to ramble about this for too long because I know this site is filled with younger people/kids and they're honestly too young to really be able to fully 'embrace' what I'm saying here.

The older folks, such as myself.. I think you guys kinda get the idea of what I'm saying here, right?

It's just something to think about.. which I've been doing for the past few years. I often have deep thoughts like those.. no idea why though.

Anyhow, have a great weekend everyone.



New Member
Yes they do, I had a couple of them in my closet. They must have been a couple as I stepped on the first one, I seen the other one start to tear up, before I quickly stepped on him also.