Do boveda packs affect smell or taste?


Well-Known Member
So I just finished drying 4 plants and bought some 62 boveda packs to use after curing for a while. I started reading more about them and some people say they take away the nice dank smell and I am wondering if any of you have experienced this.

I have the 10 of the 8 gram packs and will be curing in 3 liter kilner jars. Would you guys recommend using 1 or would 2 or 3 per jar be better? Im not done trimming yet but its looking i will have 4 3 liter jars pretty full so i have enough packs to use more than 1 per jar if needed.

Thanks for any input.
So I just finished drying 4 plants and bought some 62 boveda packs to use after curing for a while. I started reading more about them and some people say they take away the nice dank smell and I am wondering if any of you have experienced this.

I have the 10 of the 8 gram packs and will be curing in 3 liter kilner jars. Would you guys recommend using 1 or would 2 or 3 per jar be better? Im not done trimming yet but its looking i will have 4 3 liter jars pretty full so i have enough packs to use more than 1 per jar if needed.

Thanks for any input.

Hi mate, used Boveda for a while now-foolproof for not getting mould in ur stash.
Not sure about smell-loss; I grow for taste, not smell ;-)

Only advice: don’t leave it in the jars for too long, ur pot will go a bit too dry, IMO it doesn’t influence the potency.

I normally cure as close as I can by air drying and then jarring my stash together with a cheap-o hygrometer. When fairly close to right humidity level, Chuck in the Boveda pack, leave the hygro in and watch it level out; take hygro out. Done, no need to open until u need to

In regards to dosage-there is a recommendation on the Boveda site telling you how much per ounce of these packs u need.

I've only used boveda packs in jars that I've accidently left open for too long, in an effort to restore that sweet spot RH % (although once it's too dry it is too late, curing has stopped). I never noticed a reduced smell/taste in mine, but I have heard of people having their flavor affected. From what I've heard, they don't work nearly as well for absorbing moisture as they do for releasing it.
*EDIT* Meant to add in, you can get Boveda packs for different % RH's...the 62% pouches are perfect and certainly shouldn't get your product too dry.
I've used 62% and 58% both. My jars that have a pack in them definitely seem to have less smell than the ones that dont. Not a serious difference but something I can notice after breaking my nose twice and working as a salvage diver for years which did weird shit to my sinuses.

Maybe if I took a pack out and let them sit the smell comes back? Could be. I'll test it overnight tonight. I only use packs in jars I plan to stash for months. Less I don't bother.
Haven't used them yet but I plan to use an RH maintaining product this year. Been doing some research on how they work. Boveda are basically just cigar humidor crystals sold to the pot industry at a big markup. Black ice and Ice Crystals are precharged gel similar to Boveda sold for cigar humidors. These product should never touch your product, they should be in a container next to your product. They are loaded with salt to regulate humidity. If they come in contact with your bud they will pass or remove salts which will mess with flavor and mess up the RH regulation level of the gel. Even Boveda sells jars that hold the pack above not in contact with the product. Personally I am going to run some experiments using humidor gel. Uncharged, the stuff is dirt cheap. $15 of gel will humidity control 5 cubic feet. Look into humidor humidity control tech; cigar industry has been maintain 70% RH without effecting flavor a lot longer than the cannabis industry. Cigar industry is clear, never let this stuff touch your product. Cigar folks put it in a open jar inside their humidors. I am to try a similar set up; basically plan to use the gel to store a crop in a humidor for the year. It should never be used to prevent mold by vac bagging a pack in the in the bag.

Here is the bulk dry gel:
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Thanks for the replies. I think ill try attaching a pack to the lid on one jar to see if it affects taste or smell. Maybe all of the people that have had negative experiences just put the pack in the jar touching the buds and thats why they had problems.
I had to let my harvest hang dry for 2 weeks whilst away and it was bone dry when I returned. I did a bit of research and decided to use Boveda on half my stash. Everything was placed into jars and half received Boveda packs. I'm a month after harvest and am not using hydrometers and am only going by nose and have to say the jars without the Boveda packs smell so much better. The smoke is similar but taste is better without the Boveda bags.

In summary, the Boveda bags are not worth the cost to me and I will not be using them again in the future.

I’ve had a pack in my jar for about a week and I noticed one of the nugs looks like it has had the life essences drained from it lmao. Im assuming it’s the nug that was in direct contact with the pack… definitely taping them to the inside of the lid from now on lol
Been tossing up whether to use the Boveda packs( like buds approx 65-68%) as have 1/1/2 pound sitting in med size oven bags( turkey) RH 70-72 %, open the bags every day for approx 20 minutes, temps at around 3-10 degrees( coming into winter here), being doing this for 4 weeks now , very little smell but very sticky , you get that lovely taste from a blunt of good bud...... finding it hard to get RH down , heat= mold, dehumidifier = crispy buds. I do wet trim into paper bags so these buds have been drying for approx 25-30 days ( maybe could have gone 35-40 days)..
Been tossing up whether to use the Boveda packs( like buds approx 65-68%) as have 1/1/2 pound sitting in med size oven bags( turkey) RH 70-72 %, open the bags every day for approx 20 minutes, temps at around 3-10 degrees( coming into winter here), being doing this for 4 weeks now , very little smell but very sticky , you get that lovely taste from a blunt of good bud...... finding it hard to get RH down , heat= mold, dehumidifier = crispy buds. I do wet trim into paper bags so these buds have been drying for approx 25-30 days ( maybe could have gone 35-40 days)..
If the room you're in has a high humidity there's no exchange of humid for dry air when you open the bag.
If you think about trying to dry down to 60% in 70% humidity.
If the room you're in has a high humidity there's no exchange of humid for dry air when you open the bag.
If you think about trying to dry down to 60% in 70% humidity.
On the flip side, I spent half an hour trying to explain to my dad that running a dehumidifier does nothing when the humidity in the house is 40%. He could not grasp the concept.
I stopped using them because they dull the smell. No change to potency. But the jars dont have the same nose as ones without the packs.
I stopped using them because they dull the smell. No change to potency. But the jars dont have the same nose as ones without the packs.
That's because the Boveda packs are working. The "nose" is terpenes off gassing. Put the nug into a different jar without a pack afterwards and see what happens.
Yall know yall aren't supposed to smell terpenes until the weed is tore up/grinded. No you dont lose anything using them and they last a while without needing replaced. I have some 8 months old I haven't had to change the pack yet. A lot of cannabis cup winners come in with a 6 month cure. You can smoke it right off the plant. I suggest a minimum of 3 month cure. You dont have to use the humidity packs as soon as you jar unless you over dried plants. You dont have to burp jar unless you didn't dry plants enough. Jars should stay below 68% and above 55% for around a month using a hygrometer to monitor humidity. Once weed drops below 55% itll start breaking down and drying up breaking down meaning the make up of the cannabis will start breaking down, losing terpenes and cannabinoids.

I'll also suggest if you have room in a fridge/freezer once the humidity pack goes in and becomes stable, store in a cold environment. That also extends the life of humidity pack and keeps buds fresh. The cold will keep humidity down 56, 57% but its maintained that since September of last year.
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Yes ans Boveda has admitted it - they jab=ve come out with new products now you can get "terpene" packs to oput in jar to increase terpene's ther are aout 13 different terpene packs
Yes ans Boveda has admitted it - they jab=ve come out with new products now you can get "terpene" packs to oput in jar to increase terpene's ther are aout 13 different terpene packs
Or their marketing specifically for weed, separating themselves from the rest of the market. The packs are just salt and water lol oh and a odorless tasteless food thickener.
Used Boveda packs for 4 years and they work great! No loss of smell or taste . Actually, I have some 3 year old buds that have lost a noticeable amount, but they are still very smokable. I did decades of every kind of storage method, and jars with Bovedas were night and day over jars without, especially when you get past about 6 months.