Do Black seeds grow as good as the green ones?


Active Member
i feel you bro i just started a couple plants down here in wilmington, nc.. the weathers been kinda bad but my plants are a week in and doin fine!

Mr. Pif

Active Member
i planted it in clay type soil. im wondering if the soil it too hard? planted 20 seeds tuesday and not one has sprouted so far...


Active Member
man o man what i wouldnt give to spread a couple hundred seeds.. all i need is 100 acres i tell ya id blend them bitches in like commando.. but what if

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Oh NOOO!!! Not Clay! Tell me it ain't so, Irene! Mix some sand with the clay, and you have cement for sale. Cover the seeds, immediately with 2 inches of compost & wet the soil well. If they sprout, move them to a non-clay base spot. I live in clay base, wild pigs carry a pick-axe strapped on their backs. I can't dig in this shit, I have to find natural low spots, and haul in shit. Good luck.

i planted it in clay type soil. im wondering if the soil it too hard? planted 20 seeds tuesday and not one has sprouted so far...