Do any of you know.....


Well-Known Member
I recently returned from a week long vacation in which I left my plants alone for a time upon my return I found them to appear to be in perfectly good health. So i went thru to spray the plants with some carbonated water while doing this to one of my particularly tall ones the stem bent at a 90 degree angle. I imediatly stood it up placed a rod next to it and tied it to the rod for support. Now my question is: Is it possibly i just sprayed to much on the top and it was just top heavy and bent? Or would this be s sign of something worse? Was my method in fixing this problem correct? I will attach photos of the plant and how I bandaged it.



Well-Known Member
They look stretched and pale, do you have enough light?
Also you need an oscilating fan to make the stems strong.


Active Member
They look stretched and pale, do you have enough light?
Also you need an oscilating fan to make the stems strong.

you have bad stretch. you need much more light.
the only time a plant should fold if when you have Massive buds pulling it over.
the goal would be internodes that are stacked one on top of another.
if you can get that going you can have nice buds
you need to up the light big time .
and . the other poster is correct Fans!!!
i blow the crap out of my plants the it helps them grow!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your responses! Right now they are currently only under a 60 watt regular bulb. I am changing them to be under at 80 watt M.H. bulb soon. And will add some fans do you think that will be enough to fix the problem? And thank you for your responses.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your responses! Right now they are currently only under a 60 watt regular bulb. I am changing them to be under at 80 watt M.H. bulb soon. And will add some fans do you think that will be enough to fix the problem? And thank you for your responses.

Hi Darkwit,

it's kind of hard to say whether or not it will "fix" the problem, but I can say it will definitely help. For once thing, try to never grow with regular bulbs. CFLs (compact flourescents) deliver way more light at a fraction of the temperature.. for instance a 23 watt cfl is probably equal to 60 incandescent... so you see the difference. Get more light in there ASAP, and get the lights as close as you can without burning them or keeping them too hot.

Also, put a fan blowing on the plants but leave them tied up like you have.. all you can hope for is that eventually they can support themselves well - if it can't stand up by itself now, it will never be able to with any amount of buds on it..

If you have more seeds I would reccomend starting a new batch, but that's just me. Also, if you do get these ones fixed you can clone them and start fresh with healthier plants, or just bud them, whatever you want.

Good luck :weed:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input! These plants are grown from seeds i found in bags i have bought. So these are really more my experimental seeds to make sure if I fuck up its with these and not the ones i paid for. I got some Jack la Mota and Big Bud that i am growing and they are a couple weeks behind these. Thanks for all the input. If you want to see my young ones that i bought the seeds check out my grow journal located here: . I intend to clone them and then flower those you saw above to determine if the clones will be male or female so the closet ones are not as important. Any additional input is greatly appreciated.