Do 50 watt HPS need a ballast?


Well-Known Member
Well you would only really need to worry about efficiency and heat if you had alot of them
In which case your dumb, go buy 1 600w
Par cept I'm not dumb. I'm 100% ScrOG, and 150/-W ballasts generate much less heat and so I could place multiples of them closer to my screen. Hence the interest.
:neutral:Man is it me or are potheads gettin stuck-up
its simple. hes saying he has 6x 30 watt CFL's and 1 70 watt HPS, probably not on the same power strip. ive seen his grow box.
That wasn't really my interest, thanks tho.


Well-Known Member
I am a "You get what you pay for" kind of guy. Sure the cheap shit works..for a while, then your left in the cold with something that doesn't work. People really gotta get off this throw away society mindset. Buy quality items that will last for years and have good warranties and they will repay you back many times over what you would have initially saved.

My .02


Well-Known Member
So sorry but, I'm a bit slow (hence the medical permit, a-len-gue), is all I need besides the wires the 150W bulb? Because that sounds brilliant[/quote]

ok ill say it one more time for the slow people.....jk........ so what im talking about is a 50 or 70w hps SECURITY LIGHT made to be on the outside of your house, im not talking about a 150W hps. these security lights have EVERYTHING built into them except a plug. i got mine from HD for the five finger discount.......haha..........sssshhhhh dont tell anyone.


I got a free box of hps lights and I'm having the same problem setting them up, just said screw it and finishing with CFLs. Start with the hps next grow