• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Dnt bcme bubbas friend, Delete your pictures, sry, 'bragging rights' or this happens:


Active Member
After posting this in a reply to a post on the Legal Information forum.. I thought about how many pictures you guys put up here..


They said it was only $120,000 worth of plants but i know better than that. I know there was alot more. The raid happened in northern illinois because of pictures on a cell phone and digital camera.. They were on their way back from Northern California when they got pulled over by a Nebraska State Trooper, all the way over in Nebraska. they used the camera to show their dude in cali whats up back home. They went to cali to get the best genetic clones possible..

They also confiscated the drivers(not posting his name here, just go read the site.) dead brothers pipes, pipes that i myself smoked out of when one of them lived in a previous apartment, 7 pipes that were priceless because of whos they were. Gone. It all went down that fast. 1 call to the illinois police, and they raided the same night they got caught in nebraska. They tore the entire apartment up. everything. walls, ceilings, absolutely everything. I remember his background on his phone being him staring through the base of a plant and making a goofy face.. Even that is grounds for a bust, and a raid. Now hes in Illinois State Prison for 8-10 years. 8 to 10 years! And this would have never happened if he didnt have pictures of a plant. Yes, he (both of them) would have been arrested for all the other shit they had, but probably for at max a year.. and probably in the county jail. not for 8-10 years on 200 plants and intent to distribute, and $10,000's of dollars worth of fines, and when he gets out, hes still fucked. Both of them.

They both wont have a job.. Who wants to hire a "drug dealer"(sad stereo-type for pushing weed..) that just spent 8 years in prison? It all goes to show.. Dont brag to your friends. Take a picture, but dont keep it on your computer.. Place it on a site and delete it off your computer. If you met someone whos buying qp's and half pounds off you, and your showing them you grow.. If they get busted, theyre going to cry their way out of it and set you up, all so THEY get less time, or all so THEY get completely out of everything.. Its how it works. NO ONE cares in this world anymore. No one wants to be fucked in the ass by bubba in the state pen. And yeah, thats what the cops say when they interrigate you. They tell you "your fucked, your moms house is next you little shit, what is she going to think when we tear it down? Your car's going to, and its going to be auctioned off, have fun bein butt fucked in jail (and a series of laughs from 4 different officers.. all laughing at you)" and thats when little boy in them comes out, and they start to cry and they tell everything they know. Just remember that. Dont trust anyone, have faith, but dont trust.

If you get busted, handcuffed, and dragged out to the police car, break your fucking phone in half. Snap it in half. Your going to jail anyway. With the serial # on your phone they can get anything they want to. When I myself was busted when i was 18 years old they read previously deleted text messages(not court worthy) to me in the interrigation room. All off a piece of paper. He read me all the dumb texts i sent to people.. telling them where to meet me, how much they want, all this stuff i sit and laugh at myself for. "How fucking STUPID was i to send those texts?.." When i was handcuffed in the back of a car i erased all my contacts, i reset my phone, i erased all my pictures, i did everything i could so they couldnt see who i was calling and who i fucked with. And i soon figured out they can see anything they want to. Deleted or not.. but if its deleted, they cant show it in court. All you have to say is someone must have taken it on my phone, and i deleted it because i didnt want that picture on my phone.. they can see how many calls placed to who, if your having 5 20 second calls placed to 1 number in 30 minutes, thats a little suspicious.. They always know whats up. And that fav. middle of the country spot is now discovered because of you.. And now they send an officer out there every other night to see if anyones parked.. (yes, im taking the blame on that one)

Whats worse is what they dont tell you they found. You textin your friend jimmy and hes tellin you about the 50-100-200-300-400-500 plants he has in his closet? Good job. You just set him on the watch list.

So if your doing anything illigal, get a prepayed phone. Easiest route to go. Texts, Calls, ANYTHING FROM THAT PREPAID PHONE is not useable in court for the fact that it doesnt have YOUR name on the bill. Its technically, not yours.

Just please, dont be dumb. Ive seen some really nice people go, and no one cares. Its like oh, theyre in jail. ha. sucks for them. You dealt an illigal substance, whos going to care?

The worst thing of all: having the pigs dedicate an internet page about you being busted. I bet they laugh about it from time to time too. Just think about thatkiss-ass. Might as well get on your knees when that happens, and wheep.


Active Member
yeah, but when everything comes through the midwest, that excuse is some bullshit. With pictures like that they automatically have the right to search. Its a plant, your in america right now, and they want some news coverage to show how 'badass' and to show people 'DONT FUCK WITH NEBRASKA'. Yay, Off to raid!


stays relevant.
Yeah, the system is screwed. Here in California, we get our MEDICAL clinics raided, even though the majority of voters in California WANT these places to be here.


Active Member
haha I was just thinking about that the other day, I thought to myself, "I wonder how much they could try to move under the DEA's watch"

Cops can find an excuse for anything. Think about the excuse the DEA needs. Probably just 1 person to ask the judge for a warrant, and thats it. Judge will probably have a nice chat and ask how their day went, and then hell yeah man, we get to put on our bullet proof vests, act like were invading terrorists and columbians, and point the biggest assault rifle youve ever seen at your 10 month olds face.

When they bring a k-9 to the scene where your pulled over, if that 1 particular dog even barks a certain way, bam, "Step out of the car and put your hands on the hood" Even if the dog takes a shit on the ground.. They can make those dogs trigger themselves, When a k-9 pulls up consider yourself done


Well-Known Member
Contact: Deb Collins 402-479-4985
March 3, 2008

Nebraska Troopers Help Bust Illinois
Marijuana Growing Operation

(Lincoln, NE) – A traffic stop on I-80 near Lincoln, Nebraska led to the seizure of several marijuana plants and the discovery of a marijuana growing operation in Dekalb, Illinois.

Around 8:17 p.m., Thursday, February 28, 2008, a Trooper with the Nebraska State Patrol stopped a westbound white, 1998 Mercury Sable, with Illinois plates for speeding on Interstate-80, near the 56th Street exit, in Lancaster County. The trooper received consent to search the vehicle. The search led to the seizure of four marijuana plants, marijuana less than one ounce, and drug paraphernalia.

Further investigation revealed pictures on a digital camera of what appeared to be an indoor marijuana growing operation containing approximately 25 to 30 marijuana plants. The information suggested the illegal growing operation was contained in a residence in Dekalb, Illinois.
Contact was made with the Illinois State Police North Central Drug Task force and a search warrant was obtained for the residence in Dekalb, Illinois.

The search warrant executed by the Illinois State Police, Friday, February 29, 2008, led to the seizure of a marijuana growing operation in a home in Dekalb, consisting of approximately 200 marijuana plants.
“This is a good example of how a traffic stop can lead to the discovery of criminal activity,” said Traffic Services Major Russell Stanczyk. “These officers used their investigative skills to shut down further drug trafficking. We’d like to thank the Illinois authorities for their help in dismantling this marijuana growing operation.”

The driver of the vehicle 24-year-old Daniel Ward of Sycamore, Illinois and a passenger in the vehicle 21-year-old Will Blaser, of Dekalb, Illinois, were both lodged in the Lancaster County Jail on charges of Harvesting Marijuana, Possession of Marijuana less than an Ounce and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. The pair is also awaiting extradition to Illinois, on charges related to the marijuana growing operation.
and according to norml.org in illinois -

For possession of greater than 500 grams, the penalty is 2 - 5 years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000. For possession of greater than 2,000 grams the penalty is 3 - 7 years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000. For any possession of an amount greater than 5,000 grams the penalty is 4 - 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000.

The penalty for cultivation of more than 50 plants is 3 - 7 years in prison and a fine of up to $100,000.

The penalty for manufacture or delivery of greater than 500 grams is 3 - 7 years in prison and a fine of up to $100,000 (in school zone: 4 -15 years in prison and a fine of up to $200,000). The penalty for manufacture or delivery of greater than 2,000 grams is 4 - 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $150,000. Any manufacture or delivery of amounts greater than 5,000 grams is punishable by 6 - 30 years in prison and a fine of up to $200,000.

*Eligible for 24 month probation with first conviction, dismissal of charges upon completion of probation.


Well-Known Member
and make sure the dude ur riding with aint no snitch. sounds like a bad judgement call.

why were they speeding knowing what they had in the trunk? think about that.

everybody Ive ever dealt with knows how to transport clones safely. were they smoking also? why would he even have reason to search the car? sounds like they were slipping to me.

the title of this thread shoulda been USE UR COMMON SENSE AND TIE UP LOOSE ENDS..that woulda been more appropriate


Well-Known Member
why did they consent to a search knowing they had all that stuff in their car? this might have been preventable.


Active Member
yeah, it seems like there was a lot of carelessness in this situation, especially if they both had personal on them with clones in the car. why consent to a search? why speed through nebraska with out-of-state plates? we can all learn a lesson from this. no matter how safe you feel, and no matter how long you've been doing something, you still must cross all your t's and dot your i's.


Well-Known Member
and make sure the dude ur riding with aint no snitch. sounds like a bad judgement call.

why were they speeding knowing what they had in the trunk? think about that.

everybody Ive ever dealt with knows how to transport clones safely. were they smoking also? why would he even have reason to search the car? sounds like they were slipping to me.

the title of this thread shoulda been USE UR COMMON SENSE AND TIE UP LOOSE ENDS..that woulda been more appropriate
I used to laugh at the idiots who got caught in fla coming up I95. Speeding, DUI, some light not working, etc. If ya KNOW ya got shit in the car why in the HELL can't some people keep it together long enough to get home? If you KNOW you are dirty, why fuck around? How hard is it to keep it together for 24 hours tops?
It must be REALLY easy to get a warrant there. As lax as regards for rights are here in Georgia, they'd have never gotten a warrant based solely on the plant pics. WTF, was the address of the house in the picture, or in the metadata attached? I don't think so. Even tho they had plants, who was to say WHERE those pics were taken, and who is to say that the plants weren't Arelias? They look an awful lot like pot in a pic. And that blows my "Multi-jurisdictional Cooperation" theory. Pictures of a grow discovered during a traffic stop in Nebraska result in a raid on a house in Illinois?
They got pulled, got freaked, got intimidated by the cops, and talked. No other explanation. Ya GOTTA remember your rights (or whats left of 'em anyways)


Active Member
naw these dudes first came around from an opportunity to push the most grade A buds. They knew the law, trust me. When another opportunity came along to be taught how to grow, they grew the most grade a buds. The last time i talked to them was 2 days before they left on this cruise to cali. All i know is they wouldnt just say yes, search my car with clones, an o and 7 pieces. Theyve been going cross country(cali and delaware) to play disc-golf and pick up bud for YEARS, and in my judgement, they were set up 500 miles from town. No doubt on that. Probably because they thought they had some L B S. The pictures are all the evidence they needed for a raid in illinois, you kidding? we have chicago here.. this isnt anything like atlanta. its 400x worse, for the fact that its the heart of the country, everything passes through from one end to the other, unless your taking a 2,000+ mile detour, or from the south. and what are they going to say when the DEA's involved.. it led to 200 plants.

in some places, if you open your door, you just gave the cop conscent to search. Theres ways even the cops can cheat the system. Its different with each state, with each county, and with each city. always remember that, youll never know every trick a cop will pull when your out of town.


Well-Known Member
Great post...that's a pretty shitty situation...but if you're going to grow weight to sell, then you can't really feel bad for them or anyone for that matter...of course this could of been avoided, something so small or so simple as a picture...I like to laugh at some of the member's here @ roll it up that have those disclaimers on the bottom of their posts...saying some bull shit like theses imagines were taken from the internet or whatever...your a member of rollitup.org, your posting pics and posting statements on the internet, or to be more specfic, a website thats all about weed and growing it...if the police, feds, whoever want to find you, they will one way of the other...



Well-Known Member
U give the cops too much credit, I admit that there are some crooked cops out there, but this guy was pulled over for speeding in the first place. and the guys knew what they had in the trunk, glove box, stash box, whatever.


Well-Known Member
Yeah here in TX if you open the door it's an automatic forfeit to search. Hell, if they get tipped off about a party, they'll walk straight into the house, and say someone let them in. And as for the cars, Uncle Sam has you fucked anyways. Even if your in a friends car who doesn't smoke, there was never bud in the car ever, and still isnt, if you tell them they can't search, they'll just bring the dog and make him bark. Corruption is so prevalent in the government, from dogs to senators.

If they had lawyers, they coulda had the shit dropped, and live with their posession under an ounce, and paraphernalia. If an officer does anything with your phone other than take the battery out when you're being booked... automatic wrongful search and seizure, charges dropped. It's strictly an invasion of privacy, and nothing else. The only way they would have the right to read your texts or something is if you're a suspected dealer, and they've been following you forever, then catch you. Then they can retrieve such info to see if he's lying about who/what/when/where, and even then they'll just get it from the phone company. As far as pictures go, strict invasion of privacy.


Well-Known Member
i hate to see anyone get pinched but movin clones across country is suicide.... bottom line out of state plates make cops on alert especially in middle of nowhere nebraska... u can send clones through the mail ups style wrapped in wet newspaper... or send beans through mail... dont drive dirty if it aint 100 percent necessary..secondly never grow under drivers liscense address... if u got stopped for speeding and had a glass piece or other paraphanalia and some chronic some cops will cut u loose some will arrest u...some will simple call pass info on to drug task force for their computer tons of weight moves from mexico/texas to chicago/ and from la to chicago to ny and from canada to chicago...cops all along i57 and i 80 and all other interstates are ALWAYS looking