DN's World of Seeds Northern Lights x Big Bud Grow - Soil - LED - Area 51 XGS-190


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Well...I've started ordering beans from Herbie's Autos because I only grow autos so I figured... Why not get free seeds that I can actually use?

Anyways... I ended up with five or so of WoS' Northern Lights x Big Bud Autos and its stats were promising (Medium Height, High Yield, High THC, Fruity). Well a couple of grow journals have cropped up for this strain and the results looked promising. I also heard good things about the smoke. So...I tossed one in a paper towel a few weeks ago and here we are.

Soil - Fox Farms Ocean Forest
Container - 5 Gallon Smart Pot (Fabric)
Space - 35"x35"x79"(or so haha) Tent
Temp - 70s to low 80s
Humidity - 40%-45% light on 55%-60% light off
Water - Recycled from dehumidifier
Light - Area 51 XGS-190 Grow LED 100w Veg - 190w Flower | 21HrsOn 3HrsOff | 18"-24" From Lady

I use a wide variety of nutes and I am constantly trying to fine tune the "perfect" feeding schedule. I'm a bit obsessive about it actually. I've also started using Green Pad CO2 generators. I don't start them in the tent until flowering usually. The levels in my other tent run between 500-1200 throughout the day. Depends upon humidity and when a sheet is close to needing a change. Better than nothing I figure. For a small operation I think they're about as good as it gets in terms of price and ease of use. That shit in the bottle for $40 is just too expensive when I'm only running two plants.

This is my first full LED grow and I'm pumped as hell. So far I've noticed a difference in how vibrant and full and just green the plant is. It's currently on 100w at 24". I wait till it presses 20" then raise it. So far no issues whatsoever.

I guess that's it...Here she is at Day 16. I'll update again in a little more than a week. Push some good vibes my way and pray to Demeter for me!



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Update - Already way bigger. Staying low to the ground but over 15" in diameter. This baby is gonna be a bush for sure. I can't wait to see how she turns out. More pics soon to come!


Well-Known Member
yeah man that light is the shit that is gonna be one beautiful plant with the BB genetics its gonna produce some coke cans


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Future bud sites have already started pushing up towards the light. It look like the cola is gonna hang right down with the other top buds so she should end up with a real even canopy. It took me a while to decide on a light and I'm very excited about these. I start an AutoUltimate the day after tomorrow.


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Well Day 25 has arrived so I'll be starting the flowering section of my feeding schedule. This is of course when things get truly interesting.

She's been looking great, definitely a low ryder...not getting quite the height I'd like but I still prefer the power bush over the ol' spindly tall tree. This baby is going to be a bush for sure. I may have gone a bit heavy on the Grow nutes, but I get paranoid about burning and it's still early to tell. Also, the previous strain took the same amounts no problem but from strain to strain you just never know.

Regardless, she is going to have a bunch of top buds that look like they're going to grow even with the cola. So, I should end up with some really consistent bud development with such an even canopy. So far...I'm really enjoying the grow. I've also just purchased a UV-B bulb that I'll incorporate later into the grow. I still haven't decided exactly when...more research needed.



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EDIT: If anyone has any questions/commments/etc. pertaining to anything about this grow then feel obligated to post!

I liked the way she was looking tonight so I took a few pictures. The main nodes (the Cola and the "Tops" or w/e...I try not to get too technical...I'm more of a math/physics/computer guy than biology/chem type) ... anyways all the top buds that are hopefully going to be effin boulders - The Tops - are extending out past the leaves and really reaching for the XGS-190. I also make sure that I get those nodes seeing the light as soon as I can, even if it takes some jamming around/training of fan leaves.

I love the XGS-190 so far...no issues whatsoever. Can't wait till buds start really forming. I haven't had a stocky indica like this in awhile so I'm excited. The leaves are such a lush green. They seem thicker or tougher in a way...they're almost plastic-like. Gotta love LED. The transition wasn't bad at all... a bit less water usage and I use GH CaliMagic now which I probably should have already been using in the first place. I'm dying to see the difference throughout flowering.

I'll be hanging the Arcadia D3+ 34" 39w 12% UV-B (mouthful) fixture and bulb this weekend. I won't be firing it up yet, but when I do I'll provide a sort of dual update on the plant and the effects (if any are noticeable that is) of the light. I'm a little worried about stressing her initially so I might do a one week introductory period of 2-3 hours a day. If I do that I think I'll start it a week earlier so that no real time is lost. Still not positive as many plants get UV-B a lot more than six hours a day.

Loving the strain so far. Already getting stinky tho. I'm in a fairly populated area but the ozone generator helps big time (they're amazing, great investment). It's short but packed already, which I love but I am a bit worried about penetration. This girl should really put the XGS-190 to the test. I use AN Bud Ignitor and HG MultiZen (both are supposed to increase bud sites) so I'm hoping this baby is stacked from bottom to top. I've contemplated doing some serious trimming a week or so prior to harvest, but I've never dared to do it. There's a lot out there against trimming autos at all. Is a weeks worth of light worth the loss of the leaves a week prior to harvest? Not sure. I have been surprised at what a difference a few days of light can make in terms of how much buds dense up, develop, and as trichomes mature. I harvest over 4 days and I try to cut buds based on which are the most mature and how much light they'll reveal to the buds beneath. The extra light exposure definitely makes a noticeable difference on the maturation of the lower buds. If I do hack at it I plan on doing it less than 1/3 at a time over 4 days. Seems that cutting less than 1/3 of a plant's/tree's foliage is the rule of thumb to avoid stressing it. Not sure how that applies to cannabis autos but it shouldn't hurt.

She grows around an inch a day I'd say, so she is still pretty short but her growth is steady. I'm very curious to see how long she'll grow for as plants like this have surprised me and chugged along till day 45+ and they end up being decently tall and great producers. I hope so because I could surely use a good yield. It's the one thing that has me nervous about the UV-B bulb is I don't want to drastically sacrifice yields for potency. Hopefully the CO2 pads help to offset this.

Well...that's all I've got for now I believe (sorry if I'm long-winded, no one to talk to about this stuff so this place is my release) so here she is...

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Update: She's looking great. Continues to grow a bit less than an inch a day, but she's consistent and steady. One odd note is I thought I overfed a bit at the end of my Grow nutes cycle and it's like some leaves have a bit of nute burn and others don't at all, but it appears to be completely random. Less than half the leaves, new and old growth. Random locations. Kinda weird, but it's not bad at all so I'm not too concerned. More worried about being able to spot possible future burning.

The Tops - the cola especially - are really stretching up to the LED. The cola's surrounded by nodes so you can tell it's gonna be really chunky. The next set of nodes down on the plant are nearly seein' light. I love it when the nodes start growing up into each other and the buds are stacked right on top of each other. Indica's are the shit. Actual buds are almost forming but they're not quite there yet. It's driving me nuts I can't wait to see these buds start taking shape with some crazy hairs, stinkin', fattenin' up, and so forth ha.

UV-B Bulb Hung!
Anyways...the whole point of this was to mention that I got the Arcadia UV-B bulb and fixture up. I ended up mounting it in the front-left corner of the tent for a few reasons. Accessibility was one, pain in the ass to reach at the back of the tent with LED and plant in the way. Cord was easier to run too. But, my primary concern was being certain the fixture hung straight up and down. Being hung from the top caused the bottom to lean a bit casting the light downward... at the very least the opposite of what I'd want. This was irritatingly difficult to solve with the provided hardware, so I had to go MacGyver on its ass. It's much easier to re-position the LED and the plant to control the distance from the UV-B, that and future plants will be different widths. So, to ensure adequate space and adaptability to the growth of the plant, I zip-tied the fixture directly to the front left corner's vertical pole. Kinda like a splint it keeps the fixture straight and it slides up and down the pole like a train on a monorail, so I still use a ratchet hanger to easily control the height. When the time comes the plant's width will decide where it sits in the tent to control the distance from the UV-B bulb (about 5" at the closest), and I'll tweak the LEDs location accordingly. It works out cuz I already keep the plant a bit left of center because the oscillating fan is too intense if the plant's too close and the fan's in the front right corner.

I'm dying to get this bulb going. I decided I'm going to start it around when I start the Bloombastic (Day 50), and run it six hours in the middle of my light schedule up until harvest, I already rotate my ladies 1/4 turn nightly. Any future adjustments to the schedule I'll base upon results I suppose. It's 210 hours of UV-B for an 85 day plant so it must make some difference. From what I've read, I want to keep an eye out for stressing, accelerated maturation of foliage, and increase in smell. Most of all of course tho is crystal production and maturation (I've read they go milky then amber faster). I don't have anything to compare so I can only really go by past grows. Then there's the entire purpose: Potency, which I'll know about when I vape this stuff like a madman! Haha...


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The 35th Day

Things are pretty uneventful. Getting towards the end of the Bud Ignition Phase (haha) of my flowering feed schedule. She continues to look great. Spreading up and out more and more everyday. She's really growing up to the LED nicely and you'll see in the pics that the entire plant has opened up so penetration is improving. It's also showing a lot of bud sites now that have fought their way to the surface to drink up some rays. I'm really hopeful that the lower buds will mature well. With my past HPS grows I've always felt the interior buds that get less light were unsatisfactory.

She still has a few odd spots here and there but none of it seems to be consistent throughout the plant. One leaf has very slight browning edges, another has some yellowing, and yet another has little white spots here and there. But, I can't seem to find anything consistent. Usually, if I've ever had a problem there's some sort of pattern to it. It's puzzling...but still not really prevalent enough anywhere to warrant concern. So, I'll just keep my eyes peeled for any worsening and stay the course.

I picked up the UV-B and got it installed early so that I could tweak it if there were issues. With growing...it seems like there are always issues. So, one thing I learned is to compensate for them ahead of time. Anyways, when I'm doing stuff in the tent I keep moving the fixture unintentionally because it's close to my work area. I love tents' advantages, but despite them they can be a pain in the ass. The corner post is cylindrical so I've gotta shim the fixture with a folded up business card or something to keep it's facing consistent. Then, I'll just be sure to check it each night as I close up the tent. No big deal. Two more weeks and I'll flip the switch on that baby. I'm sure it'll be pretty anti-climactic, after all it's a plant, but I'm excited nevertheless. By the time I start the Arcadia bulb up she'll have really fanned out too which should be advantageous in getting that UV-B beaming on the buds. Right now, you could basically split the plant into four quadrants that have a cluster of buds growing together. With the quarter turn I should be able to focus the exposure of the UV-B on each group every four days. Part of me would like to be able to just leave the plant the whole time and see if one side ends up with more potent buds than the other side. But, efff that ha...

Well... here she is...

|| Day 35 ||



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Well... I just started growing last year. I don't know anyone that grows, so last spring I started reading about cannabis growing and found out that Autos existed. I'd only heard of photos prior. I figured with the simplicity of light scheduling, and the quick turnover (no weed at the time) they'd be a good starting point. Plus with grows that were yielding over 6 zips I figured that would be plenty for me. That and there were lots of people saying that auto's THC% was pushing right up there with photos. So... autos just seemed ideal I guess.

Anyways... my nutes, feeding schedule, and entire setup have revolved around autos since I started and I've just stuck with em. I feel like even after a year it's going to be at least another two grows before I'm satisfied with my feeding schedule. It's been constant reworking and tweaking through research and correcting of mistakes. Who knows though I'm always changing shit. I've been smoking for 10+ years and I grow some of the best weed I've ever smoked so I'm happy. I might not ever be satisfied and they're always improving things and releasing new advancements. Especially with cannabis becoming more accepted throughout the world.

If I had more space I would certainly be willing to give photos a go... but yeah that's why I grow autos.


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|| Update || Day 40 ||

Well tonight is Day 40..or Night 40 rather. Buds are certainly coming...I'm at the "Big Balls of Hairs" stage haha... I'm getting excited because this'll be the first LED grow I've been up close and personal to. I can't wait to see what this XGS-190 does from this point forward. I've obviously watched YouTube videos on LED grows, but nothing compares to being right there and experiencing the plant haha. This baby is so stocky the buds ought to be chunky and dense which I've been really hurting for lately. The cola looks like it could end up pretty beast-like.

Ten more days and I'll start the UV-B. I've mentioned before how contradictory my love of growing plants is due to my complete lack of patience. I'm a perfectionist, anal, OCD super-combo too so growing can be almost torturous at times. But, I love it. I don't know if there will be visual differences with the buds. Like I mentioned though (you'll kinda see this in the pictures) the majority of the buds are concentrated into four quadrants so the 1/4-turn nightly rotations should work out perfect. I really like the way this WoS NLxBB grows, if the smoke is as satisfying as I've read I'm looking forward to growing more of this.

XGS - 190

I'm really impressed with the XGS-190 so far. When I cranked it up to 100% I moved the light up to 24" and I haven't moved it since. I'd say the plant's now about 12" away from the LED maybe a bit more. With the HPS I was constantly tweaking the height to keep it as close as possible (toasted a couple cola tips). Whereas, with the LED, I feel like the plant grows up into it more naturally and takes on a favorable "growth shape" I guess. No bleaching. The plant also seems to have spread itself out more to accommodate the lower buds. The nodes are jammed right up against each other (I use Multi-Zen and Bud Ignitor) and I would definitely say the XGS-190 appears to penetrate the plant much better than HPS.

I really love grows from this point forward. The anticipation is palpable haha... I could smoke it. Grow buds...GR0W!!!

|| DAY 40 ||



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Pre-Update for Tomorrow's Update

Whoo! The Arcadia D3+ UV-B will fire up for the first time tonight at 3:30AM and run until 9:30AM. I'm sure it works but I'll check tonight and again in the morning just to be positive. I'd hate to find out that it wasn't actually running because I didn't flip the switch or something dumb ass like that.

Anyways... I'm amped. I'm starting the UV-B two days earlier than planned. Why you ask? This is sort of confusing so brace yourself haha. Well...the plant is growing in a diamond shape. Facing one way it's about two feet wide, turn it 45 degrees and its about friggin' three feet wide. You'll see what I mean tomorrow night in the pictures. At any rate, because the UV-B bulb is in the corner and I'm turning 45 degrees every night... two of the four sides I can get as close as I want to the bulb while the other two sides are about 7 or so inches at the closest. If I push it any closer with either of the two short sides facing the bulb the wider sides start running into the tent. No big deal really as I don't want them too close anyways, this bulb is pumping out as much UV-B as you can get and I'd rather be safe than sorry. So, I thought I'd take advantage of this odd growth and acclimate the plant to the bulb gradually by hitting the short side tonight, then rotating it 180 degrees tomorrow and getting the opposite short side. From there, I'll go back to quarter (45 degree) turns and just make sure the wider sides aren't ever within 6 inches (the wide sides could touch the UV-B bulb they stick out so much more). I'm hoping these first two nights give the entire plant a more consistent, even shot of UV-B so it doesn't shock it these first two nights. I don't really know, but it makes sense to me haha... This UV-B thing is certainly going to be a progressive process of experimentation. But, I look at it like this: even minimal amounts of UV-B is better than none at all. So, I'd rather start out with less, and increase exposure time / decrease light proximity if I'm not getting the desired results (stronger weed!).

Overall, I'm very happy with the growth. The smell isn't completely overpowering like Auto's Candy Kush, but it's there. This has a very satisfying, classic, skunky weed-type smell. Which I love. Buds are stacking, crystals are appearing, and the best is on its way. I could really use a good yield so I hope that the UV-B doesn't jeopardize this. I can be pessimistic when it comes to my own grows. It does look as if this lady will make it past Day 75 though, so I'm expecting some decent sized buds.

Oh... new camera tomorrow too. I got a killer deal on a 16MP Fuji so no more cell phone pics. Update should be up Midnight Eastern at the latest.


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Here She Be... Day 50

Well...the first "half" of the lady got a UV-B bath last night. I watched it click on at 3:30AM and an associate double-checked it at 6:30AM and it was still crankin out rays. It was still facing towards the middle of the tent tonight so my cardboard "splint" worked out for keeping it's facing consistent as well. After tonight's feeding I spun her 180 and tonight the other half will get it. As suspected, I didn't notice any unusual changes. The nearest buds are 6.5 or so inches away... I think I remember reading that the Kush Mountain's UV-B levels are somewhere in the mid 300uw range...so if I've figured things out correctly about 6.5 inches from the Arcadia D3+ is like peaks of the Kush's on down haha...

Ugh I've been a bit tenser than usual about this grow because of this whole UV-B thing, and it's a relief to finally get it going. I'll admit I am nervous though...I think I mentioned I could really use a decent yield (LEDs = expensive) but I'm bound and determined to jack up the potency as well. Common sense tells me everything will be fine though. I mean all outdoor plants get UV so it's not as if the plants going to just randomly die, and I'm not the first to run HO UV-B bulbs either. Regardless, every grow is very important to me (gotta love em) so I'm anxious. I just want giant, stinky, dank as hell mega-buds... is that so much to ask?

There has been a bit more of the browned edges on leaves. The leave's browned edges curl upward too and seem to be concentrated more towards the lower, younger buds. I can't seem to find an ailment consistent with this. You can see it in some of the pics pretty well. I saw some Potassium deficiency pics that looked similar, but that seems highly unlikely with the nutes I use. There's also some necrosis going on, but this just appears to be the plant's natural life cycle. I'm always trying to guess the days and I'm thinking she should push 80, but might not quite get there. We'll have to see...

The pics also show the "diamond" growth pattern this lady has taken on. I've got it turned in the pictures so that the wide sides are out to the left and right. When I close the tent they'll actually be in the corners. This is in reference to my previous post and why I started the UV-B two nights early to acclimate it to the UV-B. As I stated, tomorrow when I start the BloomBastic I'll go back to quarter-turning each night. She's really started to stink a lot more recently. The initial scent is skunky as shit, but I can't quite place this other scent that's mixed with it. I'll think on it more haha...

Anyways...here comes the eye drugs! Note: Got the new camera, but didn't want to deal with it on top of everything else tonight so these are cell pics still.



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Dia Sesenta || Day Sixty

I think the smell might be my favorite part of cannabis and growing it. I can't comprehend it when a person doesn't like it. I always wonder what it was like for the firstdude ever that came upon a cannabis plant. He must have known that something good could be done with it. Be it eat it, smoke it, whatever haha. Like some caveman cookin' weed with pterodactyl eggs or some shit in a cave haha. Glass of mammoth milk on the side.

Anyways... whole point of that was to say... This lady smells so, so, very nice. It's that classic, wonderfully potent, sweet-skunkiness. I can already tell I'm going to love smoking this NLxBB. I'm getting pumped. I should be vaping some perfectly cured nuggage right around the middle of October. I'm still paranoid about yield, but I'm just going to follow my schedule as planned and let her do her thing. I'm thinking I should be able to run the two full weeks of Grand Finale and Bloom Final, and maybe get a few more days of completely clean water or just 1ml of Bloom Final per half gallon afterwards. The Bloom Final states that it will help those lower buds mature faster even through harvest and I've read that it doesn't affect taste even that late, but I haven't completely settled on what I'm going to do yet. It usually takes me four days of cutting, so I do get some decent maturation throughout cutting. There's so much about Cannabis growing we don't know that it's insane. If there were a definitive, know-all book you better believe I'd be reading it.

She is getting very frosty as well. Once again, could be my imagination, but the UV-B does seem to be making a difference. It's smell and resin have really elevated over the past week. Some of the yellowing is slowing up in places. The Grand Finale will accelerate this and really get the lady pushing those buds the last two weeks. I've got high expectations as it progresses. Four more days of watering, and it will be the Home Stretch. I'm so amped up and anxious about the end result I can barely stand it. I love watching the effects of the Grand Finale too, and I'm hoping the Bloom Final jacks it up even more.

I'm thinking when I've got ten or so days to go I'm going to start trimming away at her so she'll get as much of that LED goodness as possible. I'm going to try to be as stingy as possible with this. I don't want to stress her so I'm going to try my best to spread it out over four days. I'd like to find a middle ground... where the benefits of the light aren't negated by the loss of foliage. Hopefully most of it is gone at that point anyways. Another thing I'm going to play by what the plant is tellin me. I'm trying to establish signs (leaf yellowing, hair color changing from white to red/orange/etc.) to better predict when the plant will be ready.

Loving the camera. The tripod makes it that much better, too. This plant really helps to show how awesome higher quality pics are. I'm really happy with the purchase and am glad I said "screw it" and bought it. I went on a brief stint of wanting to be a photographer when I was younger, and I took photography in high school. I forgot how much I enjoyed it. Nice little bonus hobby to go along with the growing. Well... Enjoy!

Day Sixty



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Day SixtyFive

Hola guy/ladies...

I hate it when the plant looks like this. I remember my first grow, panicking like crazy when leaves started dying...not realizing that it's just part of the plant's life cycle. The bottom half of her is still pretty damn green though, and the stems still look very green and very healthy. I still don't like her looking like she's dying tho.

She's drinking up nearly two liters of water a day. I've started the Finale Feeding... giving her 7mls of Earth Juice Sugar Peak Grand Finale and 1.5mls of Bloom Final. Tonight was the the second night of that, so these pictures should work as a great reference in terms of bud development over the next two weeks. It's pretty incredible what 10+ days of this stuff can do. I'll never go back to finishing with straight water. I'm needing these buds to put some weight on. They are gooey and stinky that's for sure. As of right now I plan on cutting on the 27th which will be two weeks from this coming Saturday. That'll give her the full two weeks of Grand Finale and Bloom Final...plus a few days of either clean water or just Bloom Final (still haven't decided). It seems like it's fairly concentrated (hence the low dose per liter) but supposedly it won't affect taste or smoothness even if you use it right up until the end. Plus, as I mentioned I cut over a four day period, and this is also supposed to promote the maturation of lower buds throughout harvest. I found out about the Bloom Final in a thread where this particular grower uses Grand Finale, Briximus Maximus (Foliar finishing spray by same company), Bloom Final, and Purple Maxx all in the last two weeks of his grows. He stated that even with all four he couldn't tell a difference in taste or harshness. Humboldt's nutes kinda sketch me out, and I don't feel like messing with foliar feeding.

Regardless, I'm jacked up because this is the home stretch! So, I'm just gonna keep an eye on her over the next two weeks and let nature take it's course. With a little boost from me of course. Which reminds me I just lied because I'm still considering stripping away as much foliage as possible for the sake of light penetration. I've never done this before and I'm nervous about it. I don't want to stress her. But, I've seen where other growers do this, and the benefits of the light exposure seem to outweigh any negatives. Also, I've read and heard that if you strip less than one third of a plant or trees foliage at a time you greatly reduce the chances of stressing it. So, which I think I mentioned, I'm going to do the majority of the trimming over a four day period. Hopefully, spreading it out like this will have positive effects. I'm still going to leave anything that is more than half alive. The necrosis decreases from top to bottom, so it should work out well.

I'm looking forward to finishing this grow. I already know I'm going to love this smoke. I can tell by the smell. I wouldn't be surprised if I can't help but continue to grow this strain. Here she be...

Day SixtyFive



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The Grand Finale - Day 75

Well...here it is guy/ladies...This will likely be the last update before harvest. I'm almost positive I'll start cutting tomorrow night. I always get this odd tinge of nostalgia when harvest time comes. Autoflowers really are perfect for me as 75 days still seems like an eternity. I have no patience whatsoever. But yeah, each grow spans a period of time that's long enough where I feel like I've put a lot of myself into it. I learned that on a grow I screwed up, every grow is precious haha. Sounds lame, but it's so true. Once that thing is passed being a sprout you and your lady are truly in it for the long haul. Gotta love it.

I guess I'll do a sort of grow recap. First off is the UV-B. Without having vaped any of this yet (can't f'in wait) I obviously can only go by appearance. I will say that the two outermost buds do look gnarly on their sides that faced the UV-B most directly. Another thing of note, the little bud leaves look even more dead on those outer buds. Now this could be because at times these two buds were easily within the six inches I had planned to keep them at. The appearance of these leaves is hard to describe. As the other bud leaves died they turned a sort of golden brown (the pics show this quite well), whereas the UV-B bud leaves were a darker brown and appeared more "used up" I guess. I really don't know as of yet what conclusions to draw from this. As I said those two outer buds themselves do look...danker...I guess. I plan to mark these two buds so that I know when I'm vaping them. I'm hoping that there will be some sort of discernible difference in potency between these two buds, being that they received the most intense UV-B exposure.

I love the light so far. It's going to take a few grows to really see it perform as each plant varies so much. There's not much to say... I just think that with the price, warranty, and quality of these lights if you're in the US they can't be beat.

I'm still tweaking my feeding schedule. It's changed a bunch so I'll have to re-post it sometime. I'd like to get a grow out of the new schedule first to see how it goes. This plant will be replaced by a Sweet Dark Devil as soon as the tent is cleaned up. My other tents going to end up with a Dutch Passion Blue AutoMazar when the AutoUltimate is finished. There's not much to say... I just think that with the price, warranty, and quality of these lights if you're in the US they can't be beat.

I already ordered another bag of Canna Terra Pro+ ... my AutoUltimate grow hasn't finished yet but I already prefer it to FFOF. Soil is so beat beyond sixty days, and I just feel like the CTP+ fits the way I grow and is superior overall. I look forward to using it in future grows.

The Grand Finale and Bloom Final went really well. I'm happy with the way the buds stacked on more tight growth. They're dense as shit too. I'm excited to trim this stuff up and see how it is dried. I ended up with 12 watering of the Grand Finale and Bloom Final. I really can't wait to vape this and see how smooth and clean it vapes and tastes. This is the first time I've gotten substantial time to use both products so it should be interesting.

In terms of harvesting it's just me, so I cut over four days usually. I'll cut the cola first, lower the light, and then go at the plant cutting the most mature buds first and working my way down. I like it because the lower buds mature a surprising amount in a short time. I definitely think she's ready to go as I can see the green starting to fade from the stems. Even the hairs on the new growth have colored up and the trichomes have matured to a nice white.

Well, I'd say that's about it. Oh... I didn't even really have to cut any leaves away as she used em up and they came away easily. The exception being a few lower leaves, which you can see in the pics. I'm glad I waited ten days it's excellent to see the changes in such a short period of time. The cola really put on some extra mass over the past week. I enjoyed this grow, and I look forward to my next NLxBB...which the smoke will decide when and if that happens.

Anyways... Here she is...for the last time!

The Grand Finale || Day 75



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Harvest Night

Phew...it's late but I got a start on the cutting. Thought I'd at least throw up a pick of one freshly trimmed. Smells great, feels dense and sticky. Actually, so far the bud is exceeding my expectations and I'm very excited for this to dry and cure. I'll keep it short. Thanks to all for rep, comments, praise, etc... Night guys / ladies...


Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
Great job man...great job. You really did a great job trimming too. I was a little concerned with all of the leaf browning on the small sugar leaves but cleaned up it looks awesome...I can tell just how dense they are going to be. Would love a final weight once you have one :)


Well-Known Member
The burnt leaves are from nutrient burn , or a lockout. It shows your plant had a problem with its metabolic rate.