Day 42
Enhanced the photos a tad
Room temps been climbing, plants don't seem to mind much at least. Averaging 84 during the day now

. At least I feel less worried about the temps climbing above 80 anymore, when you first start growing it seems like anything higher than 78 will be detrimental, I think I'm more grounded in my view of that now.
Watered plants on Day 41 with 1000ml each w. nutes
Sharksbreath - I unhid a bunch of leaves that weren't getting light, you'll see about 4 tops in the next photo that would normally be hidden otherwise.
Pure Kush - Not sure if topping was really necessary but doing great either way.
So this is how I'm getting the seedlings started before transferring to starter pots. This method I can easily keep the medium from drying out, because of the larger container holding moisture longer. Under the sand is soil, the sand prevents fungus gnats from burrowing in. The white tubes (PVC
Couplings) are convenient, they keep the sand away, they let me identify the plant's location easy and target it better for watering. The best thing possibly is how easy it is to transfer the seedlings, you can just bend the coupling out of the soil/sand and the plant pops out in a nice tubular plug.