DNA Kushberry and LA Woman, and Reserva Privada Kandy Kush 4 Weeks into Flowering


Well-Known Member
Greetings! Today is day 42 of 12/12. The Kandy Kush is getting very top heavy. I need to stake it up somehow this week. Starting to see the pistils turning colors slightly on the LA Woman and the Kushberry. Just finished flushing excess salts from the medium. Keeping my ph at around 5.8. Will stop using Big Bud and switch to Overdrive Monday. They will get that for two weeks then flush til ready.
Pics 1-4 are all shots of the Kandy Kush
Pics 5-8 are the LA Woman
See the Kushberry below.


Well-Known Member
Those plants looking lovely especially the kushberry bet the aroma is heavenly
Ya I have no odor control, which never was a problem before, but the noobness is going away somewhat, lol, so it's getting hard to mask. All three smell pretty different up close but all leave a kinda sweet musky skunk smell in the room.
that kandy kush looks bommmmmmb, props dude
Thanks! 8) Seem like some pretty special genetics.


Well-Known Member
How bad is the kandy kush stinking?
It's alot stronger smelling than the other two. Getting a little nervous, these things just need to get done. The room reaks from it lol.


Well-Known Member
Yay, getting closer! :weed: Today is day 49 of 12/12. They are not getting any taller at this time, just packing on some weight.
Pic 1 and 2 are Kandy Kush
Pic 3 and 4 LA Woman
Pic 5 and 6 Kushberry


be sure to give us a smoke report when finished indica looks so much better when its budding sativas just take to long but i do prefer the high of the sativa i like being able to get on with my life lol


Well-Known Member
be sure to give us a smoke report when finished indica looks so much better when its budding sativas just take to long but i do prefer the high of the sativa i like being able to get on with my life lol
Lol, ya good sativa is extremely rare in my neck of the woods. Wish I would've planted one with this batch but guess I'll have to wait for my young'uns to come along. 8) Will do my best on a report, lol.

Well, found some wooden things at Target to stake up the Kandy Kush. They are kinda nice cuz they get real skinny on one end so they go into the perlite easily without damaging any roots. Then just used some bread ties to hold em.
Here are some shots of this. Gonna be alot of popcorn too. Other pics are just random top pics of the Kandy, yesterday's pics were a little rushed. :confused: Day 50 today. :joint:


Lol, ya good sativa is extremely rare in my neck of the woods. Wish I would've planted one with this batch but guess I'll have to wait for my young'uns to come along. 8) Will do my best on a report, lol.

Well, found some wooden things at Target to stake up the Kandy Kush. They are kinda nice cuz they get real skinny on one end so they go into the perlite easily without damaging any roots. Then just used some bread ties to hold em.
Here are some shots of this. Gonna be alot of popcorn too. Other pics are just random top pics of the Kandy, yesterday's pics were a little rushed. :confused: Day 50 today. :joint:

yeah i dont think ill get much popcorn i got a 600w metal halide on top and a 400w hps on the side so my bottom buds gettin really big i think im lookin at 10 ounces of 2 of them and 5 of the other one not really sure wat im gonna get of my frisian and my venus but they been in bud 4 seven days now so hopefully get a good idea some time soon peace!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Today is day 56 of 12/12. They've pretty much quit growing. Looking like it'll be around 2 more weeks for em to finish maybe 3 on the kandy. No amber trichs yet. I did pick off an individual calyx from underneath of a bud of Kushberry and there were alot of amber trichs but then took a small side bud off and they were mostly milky, maybe 1 or 2 amber on the whole thing. The Kandy and the LA were still mostly clear.
Pics 1 and 2 are the LA Woman
Pics 3,4, and 5 are the Kandy Kush
Pics 6,7, and 8 are Kushberry


Well-Known Member
Hey techno!....lol..
Trecho....U made a great chioice ....
The kandy is the best ive ever grown ....
Pretty much all i smoke right now....
I never yeilded more than 3 off a plant.....but im pretty sure i got almost 4 oskyies from her....
she just keeps growin....went 10 weeks..ahhhmmmmm....
Buit i let the bottoms go 12......grunt....
Heres a pic of the finished prada....
sure youve seen it....
Give this kandy a good 2 three week cure ...
and youll see just how tasty she is.....


Well-Known Member
The kandy is the best ive ever grown ....
Pretty much all i smoke right now....
I never yeilded more than 3 off a plant.....but im pretty sure i got almost 4 oskyies from her....
she just keeps growin....went 10 weeks..ahhhmmmmm....
Buit i let the bottoms go 12......grunt....
Heres a pic of the finished prada....
sure youve seen it....
Give this kandy a good 2 three week cure ...
and youll see just how tasty she is.....
Ya your Kandy looks awesome, mine will probably go 11 weeks. Seeing very little amber trichs atm. The LA Woman still seems to have alot of clear ones and the Kushberry is almost done, still maybe less than 10% amber on the main buds, so maybe chopping on the weekend, maybe not lol. We'll see then. :?: Have my jars ready though!
Well here are the girls at day 66 of 12/12. The Kandy Kush is dropping alot of powder, but I'm not seeing any pollen sacks. Did see 1 or 2 seeds forming in my LA Woman but too late now, they're almost done.
Pics 1 and 2 are Kandy Kush
Pics 3 and 4 are LA Woman
Pics 5 and 6 are Kushberry


Well-Known Member
your stuff looks really good ....a little more amber than mine was at that point.....it tends to really amber out in harvest ..... altho my leaves were allot paler than that ....almost a real pale greenish yellow... you gotta let it get a good cure... before you blaze it....it makes such a difference....


Well-Known Member
Well today is day 70 of 12/12. I harvested the tops of the Kushberry on day 68. Went ahead and took the tops of the Kandy Kush too. There is still alot of stuff growing on the bottoms of the two plants, probably let em go for another week or so. The LA Woman is getting close too, haven't check trichs for a week, but the bud I tried from last weekend had me ripped for a few hours. She'll be harvested sometime this week.
Pics 1-3 are Kandy Kush
Pic 4 is Kushberry buds ready for curing. Already smell fabulous.
Have more pictures but they're not uploading for some reason this morning.
Will add more later.


Well-Known Member
that is one hell of a job there tre .... i love the supper whitness of your kandy ..... your light really must have penetrated to the bottom..... That kandy waas a hell of a trim job....i left the trim on for the most part ... It was sad bcause i practically smoked a third of the kandy before even curing it...... i gave out samples and what not..... and it really (tastewise ) turned out amazing.....
I reallly want t o know what of the bunch was your favorite ..... this is on a need to know basis....(smile)


Well-Known Member
Here's my Kandy Kush still growing at 77 days of 12/12. The tops were picked a bit too early again but after curing a bit it seems better. Still have the Kushberry growing too but she's pretty ugly so I didn't take any pictures of her. LA Woman was harvested earlier this week and is curing/drying atm. As of right now, I like the LA Woman the best far as the buzz, but the Kushberry and Kandy Kush that are still growing are gonna be alot stronger when done.