DNA Genetics- Pure Afghan


Active Member
How goes it all? After poor germ rates from my K-Train (not to blame green house, very well could be user error :-(- I hate pointing fingers when it could just be me), I'm in the market for something new and was considering this DNA Genetics Landrace Afghani.

From the Mazar-Sharif region of the Kush Mountains (I've heard good of Mazar-sharif strains), it would be nice to find a real 100% indica Kush strain. A starting block for breeding if you will ;-)

Anyone grown, smoked, or have any experience with this? I'd like to get an opinion first, as I went with a well known breeder already and didn't do too well.

Thanks in advance!
damn sorry to hear the bad news on the ktrain.Greenhouse seeds always germed for me but i hope the dna genetic beans germ easy. I ordered dna kushberry feminised and im waiting for that so good luck with your beans.


Active Member
If you could, keep me posted on the Kushberry as that was another strain I'd like to give a go. Especially since it's feminised, which the Pure Afghan is not.
definately will keep you posted.ill start a grow journal as soon as they come in (which shold be next week).I plan on getting rock lock, chocolope and la confidential next.I want to get all the feminised strains they have before i go getting the reg seeds.The strains dna have are conniseurs or cup winners so i definately will try almost every strain they have.


Active Member
I would suggest trying that LA Woman in stead of LA Conf as I've heard the Confid. is great tasting but not high yielding for the effort. The LA Woman is supposed to veg quicker, produce better yields and be just as tasty/potent.

Have you looked at any of the Reserva Privada seeds? They have the Kandy Kush now that is OG x Trainwreck (same as K-train but from real Cali breeders), been considering giving them a go. They are a DNA sub company.
well i might take your advice about not getting the la confidential but im definately going for chocolope and rocklock..LA woman looks good 2 I might get that 2.I know im gonna get another closet and another light for all these strains.
reserva privada looks just as good kandy kush looks great and im mad purple wreck is sold out i hear so many good things of thaat bud
just got my order of kushberry in and only 2 out of 4 germed so i still got two beans left.Imgetting ready to get some more beans from them but i just cant decide on which strain or strains to many to choose from.I wish all the seeds they have were feminised


New Member
the horror's..forget about feminised seeds they're trash..if all you kiddies buy them they'll make more of them..then we will all be stuck w/ unstable, breedable, and trashy feminised seeds...buy regular...peace
i was starting to think that..Im looking into buying a pack of reg and fem seeds from dna..Reason why.they dont have cannadential or connie chung feminised and sour cream looks good.


Well-Known Member
I personally love feminised seeds for the easyness of not sexing, but if i plan to buy a strain in particular or plan to breed with it, id say go with a regular unfeminised seed. Cause feminised arent good for breeding . But if i wanted to grow a full garden quickly to grow a full harvest feminised are perfect but they have their ups and downs. Beware of hermies.and the dreadful bananas they will knock up a full harvest