

Hello everybody, I've been reading and watching some videos about DMT and i'm sure i wanna try it, i'm gonna extract it from Mimosa hostilis root bark, but i've been reading some contraditory things about the MAOI. I've read that if we extract and smoke the crystals we don't need a MAOI only if we ingest DMT. Can you shed me some light on this? I'm not really confortable about taking a MAOI because all the extra cares we must have about what we eat etc... Thanks


Active Member
The MAOI are only used for the oral route which would then be called Ayahuasca which is a worthy pursuit. If you are on a new agey spiritual thing you should look into Ayahuasca. But if you want to go to Rivendale and see the Machine Elves, then you smoke the pure DMT no MAOI is used.

Good luck Major Tom