

Well-Known Member
indescribable beauty, litteraly... you can't even begine to describe what you see, best one can come up with are some metaphores.
Can be pretty fast, 5 minutes or so if you can't relax, 10 to 15 if you can. Keep eyes closed till you are SURE it is over.

Fill your lungs completely, and exhale the vapour about 3 times...more if you can.... you will start feeling it before you finnished the first puff, at 1 minute you will be totaly in another dimension... if you don't hit it hard enough, you get stuck this side under the crysanthemum ceiling.


Well-Known Member
It's too hard to describe. It's not like shrooms or acid, it's a whole other "world".. Try a small dosage for your first time so the "whoosh" feeling when DMT hits you doesn't catch you off guard. Have fun!


Well-Known Member
LOL it still catches me. I realy like smokeing after eating inhibitor, also nice smoked on a bed of caapi leaves
If you ever get the chance to do 5-meo-dmt do it, its really fucked.
Afte my first hit i was already fuuucked. It felt like something took the air out of me and replaced with with hallucinations and i just laid there for 5-10mins speachless