DMT Theory, Extremely Scary!

ThE cHeMiSt

DMT is truly something else, nothing quite like it.. I haven't had the privilege to experience it, YET. haha, well. I have a theory I know it's probably not right, No one please take this into real consideration, its kind of a fantasy theory..

Alright, so I've read when we dream, our pineal gland or "third eye" produces extreme doses of dmt during deep rem sleep, that's what causes us to "deam/hallucinate" while your asleep. So what your actually doing is smoking the chemical in your brain that makes you dream.. in my theory the possibilities are endless with this drug. Alright here's the end to my so called theory, so we have established that dmt is produced while your in deep sleep, causing you to have vivid dream. and a large amount is also released from our brains during our death. I'm not sure if it releases more then when we completley die or when we sleep, but what if produced so much at the end of your life it just send you STRAIGHT into dmt mode.. a trip of eternity..or possible "dream"


Well-Known Member
Don't worry your theory is 90% wrong :)
But its easy to get confused with all the shit people spew on the internet. In fact just how it works is rather immaterial compared to the experience.
P.S. DMT is produced in just about every major organ, and we have no idea what it is for.

ThE cHeMiSt

Don't worry your theory is 90% wrong :)
But its easy to get confused with all the shit people spew on the internet. In fact just how it works is rather immaterial compared to the experience.
P.S. DMT is produced in just about every major organ, and we have no idea what it is for.
haha It was in no way supposed to be realstic, or considerable it's kidna funny tho haha, thanks for the info.


Active Member
Don't worry your theory is 90% wrong :)
But its easy to get confused with all the shit people spew on the internet. In fact just how it works is rather immaterial compared to the experience.
P.S. DMT is produced in just about every major organ, and we have no idea what it is for.
DMT isn't "produced in just about every major organ".


Active Member
I believe that when you die (or come close to death) your body releases DMT, causing you to hallucinate and see whatever you believe would be the next spiritual plain of existence. It would certainly feel like an eternity due to the time-distorting effects, and the abrupt end of someones life. But I think DMT is for those who wish to see the "truth".


Well-Known Member
DMT is indeed formed in other organs, like for instance the lungs.
I think what many people misinterpret is that highest concentration of precursors to DMT, are found in the pineal gland.
However I would say based on experience, it has very little to do with the dream state. Allthough I could imagine it to be similar to a near death experience, if it wasn't for some studies that basicaly negated this as likely.

Anyway, after you take some DMT a few times you will understand how unimportant this realy is. All that is important is that this is a key to experience something I believe to be outside of the scope of the endogenous.


Active Member
DMT is indeed formed in other organs, like for instance the lungs.
I think what many people misinterpret is that highest concentration of precursors to DMT, are found in the pineal gland.
However I would say based on experience, it has very little to do with the dream state. Allthough I could imagine it to be similar to a near death experience, if it wasn't for some studies that basicaly negated this as likely.

Anyway, after you take some DMT a few times you will understand how unimportant this realy is. All that is important is that this is a key to experience something I believe to be outside of the scope of the endogenous.
If your experience had little to do with the dream state than you probably used 5-MeO-DMT, not N,N-DMT. But I thought the pineal gland was the only part of the human body which produces DMT, thanks for informing me.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, guys, this is not something worth argueing about, anybody who has taken the spice of the acasia, will know how little we realy know.


I have to say after many DMT trips, it really isnt anything like a dream but an opening of a door in your mind that has always be closed.. I know most everyone in here is a kung fu master so cant relate, but if you are like me and have ever ben hit in the head really hard, then you know that ringing sound you get in your ears and you see stars, well no joke Dmt is very similar but without the pain haha!! So i truly belive you expirience a similar feeling after death. imo.


Active Member
You're saying ANC does not have N,N-DMT and has 5-MeO-DMT? You must be very, very new here.
I said, "than you (PROBABLY) used 5-MeO-DMT, not N,N-DMT". I'm not say he doesn't have possession of N,N-DMT. And yes, I'm quite new here.


All I know is Lucid Dreaming is the best trip EVER! I hear people are getting Lucid Dreams after using DMT for whatever reason, I would like to try it but I'm lazy.


Active Member
All I know is Lucid Dreaming is the best trip EVER! I hear people are getting Lucid Dreams after using DMT for whatever reason, I would like to try it but I'm lazy.
It's easy to lucid dream and it's definitely not the "best trip EVER" IMO. Look up a lucid dreaming tutorial on Youtube if you want to try it.


Well-Known Member
Glad we got the hostility out of the air. :)
I reccon OBE and lucid dreams are much more accessable after the "door" has been opened a few times.
Its like your brain learns a new set of tricks... shit I can't even take MDMA anymore without halucinating the most beautifull geometry.