Well-Known Member
I think you may be confusing me with someone else. The last "bad" trip I had was over 30 years ago.
wait, you said you saw yourself die right? thatd be a sketchy trip for me lol
I think you may be confusing me with someone else. The last "bad" trip I had was over 30 years ago.
Then you are in for another "awakening".
Note: DMT is the ONLY drug I've ever played with that has no tolerance. You can smoke a little for play, come down, and then smoke the same amount plus just a bit more for crossover, then come back, smoke a little for play, etc. So you can experiment with dosages before the final launch.
On the otherhand, that means I can consume a large quanitity in 15 minute increments over 4 hours.
but i have never imagined things that ive seen on dmt, they're way to complex for me to visualize.
That is one of my core mental (hmm, difficulty? Naw, hightened awareness level, looking for data for analysis) state on it.
I'm NOT a "spiritual" individual by default. I am WAY anti-ANY religion. But I accept the possibility of the "other" out there, where the "there" can't be measured, at least by our instruments.
My "near death" experience wasn't really, it was simply the standard life passing through your eyes. This is assumed to be triggered by a massive dmt dump when you are near death. Anything we see at that point can easily be attributed to the dmt.
I can easily accept the my mind CREATED the web of relationships required to visualize the various scenes, and filled in each point for my amusement. Really. If you knew me, you'd understand that people tell me I have a habit of overanalyzing, and when they say that, they don't know the 10th of what went into it.
Unless you take into account the study done in hospitals that showed people who came back from the dead reported seeing object places WAY overhead that they should not have ever been able to see. They were placed there on purpose for the study.
So anyway, I'll waffle for a bit, make no claim to the spiritual side, and wish you well on your journey.
Lool, DMT has made me squeeze my hands a few times to check if I'm still alive.
Sometimes the state is just so alien that its hard to think we can possibly still be alive.
cough* baby feet here....
I was in a dimly lit room with some friends that I've known for 10+ years on a couch. We've all tripped out nuts off together multiple times so we are well acquainted and have no judgments towards anyone experiences during our trips. We had a dry pipe that we loaded with a tiny bit of cannabis with as a base and about 55 mg of DMT on top. We put another screen over the top as a buffer from the flame and the DMT. The first hit I vaporize with the lighter, not touching the flame to the DMT, but only the heat that the lighter produces. I take the first hit, hold it in as long as possible. Exhale. Then take the 2nd hit (flame gently touching the mixture) and exhale as soon as it enters my lungs. Immediately following, I take the 3rd rip and cash the bowl. At that very moment in time, the paneling in the room extends out what seems to be atleast a foot with each crevice in the wall becoming more prominent as time goes by. Then everyone and everything around me dissipates into a background and I become what seems to be the only individual in the room now sitting in a chair. I close my eyes and I shoot into the sky soaring through space. Then all of a sudden I break through this "barrier" and enter what I can only describe as hyper space; a point where my consciousness is the only that exists. As soon as I break into this plain of existence, I see every color imaginable alternating at the speed of light coating these hills and valleys as I zoom over top of them. I then see a giant flash of white and open my eyes to see a 4-dimensional being in front of me, constantly enveloping in on itself. I close my eyes again and feel as if someone opened up my head like a pringles can, and just poured information into my head. So much information that it became incomprehensible. I slowly come down at that point like a feather floating from a building to land me all the way back on the couch in the dimly lit room.
DMT is an incredible substance that has remarkable powers beyond comprehension. I have never had such intense, open-eyed visuals on any other substance. Mind you, I've taken well over a sheet of LSD, several ounces of shrooms, and a few grams of MDMA (plus several other research drugs: 2C-I, 2C-B, MDAI, bk-MDMA, ect.). So I have a bit of experience with hallucinogens. DMT is a remarkable substance that has put my journey for epistemology and ontology on a whole new level.
how does one go about finding dmt without growing the plant and extracting it..?
i smoked DMT several times one night. my friend extracted it from rootbark, tiny white crystals and we loaded some into a glass pipe with a hole like u see ppl smoking crystal meth out of. i heated the glass with a lighter and inhaled the vapour, 3 hits and my brain felt like it was gonna blow up and hemmorage, i couldnt take the 4th hit as i wanted to leave my body. i basically held my head trying to escape what was happening. i saw faces everywhere, on my friends shirts to the walls, like the stuff myans and aztecs carved into their temples and, and a huge golden sun face with yellow blades. i closed my eyes and saw spiral rainbows swirling down a blackhole. lasted less than 10 mins.