DMT extraction?

So how do you go about getting the batch of crystals separate from the goo?
Take your finished product, goo and all. Put it in a shot glass and add your solvent. This will melt the xtals back into the solvent and you will be left with a layer of plant fats, nmt and other shit and a layer of solvent on top with all your dmt. Remove the bottom layer with a pipett. Evap a little solvent and throw it in the freezer to freeze precip the xtials back out of the solvent. You should be left with all white lovely xtials. Acacia has alot of plant fats in it so a de- fatting step before you work your pulls will help alot with the end product.
Take your finished product, goo and all. Put it in a shot glass and add your solvent. This will melt the xtals back into the solvent and you will be left with a layer of plant fats, nmt and other shit and a layer of solvent on top with all your dmt. Remove the bottom layer with a pipett. Evap a little solvent and throw it in the freezer to freeze precip the xtials back out of the solvent. You should be left with all white lovely xtials. Acacia has alot of plant fats in it so a de- fatting step before you work your pulls will help alot with the end product.
how does one go about de-fatting
I separated my goo right at the start. Heated my pulls. Allowed the naphtha to slowly cool. When it reached the point where when I would blow across the solvent white crystals would crash out on the surface and the redisolve as they sank I quickly decanted into another container. A layer of goo stayed stuck on the bottom (nnmt is less soluable in naphtha than DMT). Freeze precipitation of the solvent yielded the white crystals posted earlier in this thread.
how does one go about de-fatting

-Redissolve extract in non-polar solvent such as naptha
-Prepare an acidic solution with a pH of approx. 4 (water and vinegar)
-Add the alkaloid-containing solvent and mix very thoroughly
-Separate solvent (alkaloids have now been removed and it contains only plant fats and oils)
-Basify acidic aqueous solution (that now contains your alkaloids) to approx. pH 12
-Add fresh non-polar solvent to aqueous solution
-Mix very thoroughly
-Remove non-polar solvent that now contains your alkaloids
-Evaporate or freeze-precipitate
hope this helps
-Redissolve extract in non-polar solvent such as naptha
-Prepare an acidic solution with a pH of approx. 4 (water and vinegar)
-Add the alkaloid-containing solvent and mix very thoroughly
-Separate solvent (alkaloids have now been removed and it contains only plant fats and oils)
-Basify acidic aqueous solution (that now contains your alkaloids) to approx. pH 12
-Add fresh non-polar solvent to aqueous solution
-Mix very thoroughly
-Remove non-polar solvent that now contains your alkaloids
-Evaporate or freeze-precipitate
hope this helps
Do you think it's worth it to clean slightly off white crystals? My last pull came out slightly yellow.
Using the basic naptha extraction for acacia= crap. Naptha recrystalization is a joke and you lose alot and many times never it just wont do it. Do a Salt AB, pull with Xylene, precipitate nmt with dry ice till no more nmt carbinat forms, remove nmt. Ad FASA to Xylene to precipitate dmt fumarate. Disolve fumarates in water, freebse fum. Solution it will turn milky white pull with naptha, stick in freezer. Next day poor off naptha and dry. Clear white crystals 0.0% goo/nmt. Almost purer extract then optained from mimosa. Naptha pulls of soup and multiple recrystalization is so old and dead as disco. Stop following grandmas cookie recipe and actually use real science. And most erowid teks are very outdated. The oldest teks. Only a couple are still usefull, producing high purity. The nexus is the highest authority on ALL extraction teks, daily improvements and experiments by REAL Chemist. But what do i know? Im just a clone, Derp
Weird usually people who smoke dmt are less self righteous and douche.....takes all sorts I guess. Good luck with the whole being a genius thing.....
Where you getting bark from Acasia trees? Those grow in Africa.
They have been spread all over the world and can be found in many of the warmer regions of the U.S. and are commonly used as landscaping plants. A good source I've found is at their stuff is always freshly harvested as it is used for a natural red dye.