DMT Anxiety?

I was born with horrible anxiety and depression to the point that I used to stammer over every word and have anxiety attacks where I would pass out. Stammered from the first time I was able to speak as a child. I'm on some heavy dosage seretonin stabilizers now so it's not as bad. I rarely have anxiety attacks but I can contribute my loss of depression to hallucinogens. I would never truly know myself if I didn't jump into that world. Can't walk through life scared. Gotta act like you own the place.
Three things scare me in life, commitment, spiders and hallucinogens. Which is weird because I have grow mushrooms for years now. Just never eat them or anything else. I don't even drink because I'm not in full control of myself (plus I was an alcoholic by my senior year of high school).
I start out with 5...
So what am I?

I usually never take anything under 300ug I found this to be my "sweet spot" anything under is a tease and I find anything above 400-500ug to be more just experiencing crazy things and not really learning much or having insight, etc that I would at doses under this. Both have their own spot in my heart though. :-)
I've found 1200 to be best for me...depending on circumstance of course...
Lockn:2mg(although the loss of car keys diminishes some of the positive in this recount:-))
Tomorrows micro fest:200 tops(I gotta drive and if I drive on acid I can't on low doses,I keep looking around for shit to increase intensity)
Then there's the 'idk' dose....those are like Vegas...hit or miss...