DJ Shorts Blueberry

Hi, I realize this is commenting really late but I have a question. If DJ Shorts Blueberry seeds are crap, which obviously they are, then do you have a recommendation for where to get good Blueberry Seeds online?
I would not say that Blueberry Seeds are crap I still see people with great cuts of her I just havn't heard of anyone finding one lately. I would still try his true new blueberry cross if I had the room and the time.
I finally met the cat at the Cup in 2010 and Me and Jill walked up and introduced ourselves and he was a total arse.
I have heard the same from so many it was a real let down.
It made me very sensitive about not ever acting like that when people meet me so good came out of the situation.
We are always responsible for our actions.

For example the previous post was a really nice Blueberry and lots of people have nice cuts like this in there stash.
I won't put up with inflammatory post though a smarter person would have simply posted the shots and let everyone know you can find a good blueberry that was the guys question I just didn't find one in my last 3 tries.

For example the previous post was a really nice Blueberry and lots of people have nice cuts like this in there stash.
I won't put up with inflammatory post though a smarter person would have simply posted the shots and let everyone know you can find a good blueberry that was the guys question I just didn't find one in my last 3 tries.


Not sure if I follow this post sub, would you mind explaining?
Took me a pack or two to find a hermiless keeper...then i lost it. Great smoke, and nice grows if you dont mind spending the time to find that one real good plant.....most strains i can find a keeper in 5 or 10 beans. BB is the exception, ive said to myself more than a few times that i was done with Blueberry....but a year goes by and i cave in again haha, if it wasnt so speacial id have left it in the dust years ago.
i had great luck with 20 true blueberry i bought about 2 years ago
100% germ
ended up with lots of good females with 1 i called Krinkle Kut........wild purple and dark green.......with lots of foxtailing and mad amounts of trichomes with strong odor
she liks a long cure and if u SOG style grow her (she needs little support) u can yield (shes fast too)
i have 2 small ones growing in dirt in flower now.........ill update the pic when shes big enough to show the strange style (i also have a few trueblueberry f2s left)
I just recently bought a 10 pack of DJ Short's Blueberry seeds.

I recently popped 5 of them in my search for a mother.

If you are interested in seeing and joining me in my all-organic quest to find a DJ Short Blueberry mother plant, please click my signature...
Just wanted to add a little to this discussion, now almost two years later. In my signature, you will find a recent DJ Short Blueberry Grow at about Week 4 of Flowering.

It is interesting to note that I am experiencing extremely similar traits as Subcool did, specifically week 3-4 hermaphrodism in every single one of my females from seed.

Similar to Sub, I feel as though the Blueberry phenotype is getting harder to find in his current offering of Blueberry Genetics. Furthermore, at 150$ a pack for 10 regs, to wind up with 5 hermaphrodites with no signs of a potential keeper, it is hard to justify the price.
Worse is the breeder is a super asshat not sure anyone in the game has been as rude to me and MzJill.

Lame. Unfortunately the cannabis community has more than it's fair share of asshats :)

Sub did you ever say which Shantibaba strain you were going to be trying soon or did I miss it? I got Medicine Man/white rhino seeds on the way from mr nice and looking forward to it - grew nirvana's white rhino a while back and it was their most potent of the strains of theirs I grew that round (ak-48, blue mystic, white rhino, white widow) - I expect shantibaba's to be superior (hopefully). Of course I didn't enjoy any as much as I enjoyed Apollo 11. This grow is looking like it's going to be half apollo-18 and half medicine man :) Subs genetics vs. whoever is doing the breeding of shanti's genetics at mr. nice now -- not that it's a competition -- I'm going with those two to get complementary effects hopefully - soaring apollo and some painkilling medicine.

If you are looking to see a current phenotype I am running on clones now of Mr Nice Seeds Medicine, Man, just click here.

I am actually smoking a bowl of her right now. Smells like cat piss, real nice mellow, relaxing head.
this was a great thread....very cool to see a reputable breeder grow out (or try too) someone else's seeds.......thanks Sub.
not to turn this into a breeder bash....but i have had some terrible luck with many folks love their stuff.....i have only threw out (completely trashed) three 8 week females in my life.....not even kept them for tincture......and they were three different strains from said breeder.........when you find something worth growing, or a breeder that stands behind their work, it is worthy of a gratefulness prayer.....and i have to say, i thank my Creator for TGA......
So glad I found this thread. I got the email from attitude about an hour ago that blueberry had just came back in stock and was about to order a pack and probably lose $150. Looks like I'm just going to wait until Plushberry, JillyBean or Deep Purple come back into stock;-)
not to turn this into a breeder bash....but i have had some terrible luck with many folks love their stuff.....i have only threw out (completely trashed) three 8 week females in my life.....not even kept them for tincture......and they were three different strains from said breeder.........when you find something worth growing, or a breeder that stands behind their work, it is worthy of a gratefulness prayer.....and i have to say, i thank my Creator for TGA......

I enjoyed reading your reply, especially about giving thanks to the Man that placed our beloved medicine upon this Earth. It does seem more pleasurable when giving thanks.