Well-Known Member
Interesting things happen when you actually try something. Often, you get results you didn't expect.
tahts basically the reason i made this setup with 12 monos supporting the spectrum of a COB. try and maybe get something i never imagined i would get. lets see !

I did run cold water through my modules and I got exactly what I wanted; absolutely no heat in the grow room. Turns out this isn't half as beneficial as it sounds!
Allowing the water to heat up warmed the room, reduced RH and allows the plants to transpire better.
thats also a thing i only can tell after a testrun. maybe the heat generated is good like u said in terms of RH and plant transpire, maybe it is too much for the specific setup of the complete room and the room would overheat. may the circulation of the air inside the room and the fact that air is constantly pumped in and out can handle that extra energy that well so the room doesnt heat up that much at all ( maybe 1°C for example)
up to now i dont know but once the testrun is on i will keep this thread updated with all new informations i could get. I got a list of things to test here and this point alrdy stands on it so we will see

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