Been looking around for chemicals and such to eventually do some TLC. Had a few questions.
First off I am guessing that these plates will not work?
Would be nice as they are pretty cheap, and surprisingly glass backed.
what bothers me is this: (listed in the description)
Activity: 3 color separated (BI-methy1 yellow,sultan red and indigo)
Are these what you mean when you say UV indicators?
Silica coated and silica gel TLC plates are the same thing, yes?
Also It seems that Chloroform while providing nice looking results, is fairly difficult and expensive to source. I am curious as to where you found it, and how much you spent?
It seems like most of your tests are done with 4:1 Hexane

iethyl mix. I am assuming the cost/difficulty of obtaining chloroform is the reason?
The only place I found Chloroform, without seeking out chemical suppliers is a $65 liter which I guess isn't too bad. But since we already need Hexane, the 4:1 Diethyl Ether seems more cost effective.
I was curious why you listed the Solvent and Eluent amounts both as 250ml-1L. It seems that you would only need 2ml Diethyl per test and 9ml of Hexane, assuming you are using the 4:1 mix instead of 10ml chloroform. The reason I ask about the amounts, is it appears you only need 1ml of Hexane for solvent use. Far less than the 10ml of Eluent needed per test.
Was thinking maybe 1L Hexane, and around 125-250ml Diethyl which is fairly inexpensive in those qty's, compared to Chloroform.
Some listings on ebay/amazon are for n-hexane. A quick search tells me that this has a different boiling point than Hexane. I am guessing that n-hexane will not work for solvent or Eluent, but I figured I would ask.
As far as the Beam's test goes, you said that you use cheap methylated spirits. 95% ethanol denatured. This is just regular denatured alcohol you would find at almost any hardware or other store correct?
I understand that sodium hydroxide may work for Beam's but so far untested?
Still working on a good source for fast blue BB. Seems to be out of stock on amazon/ebay as some have noted in this thread. I found one chemical supply place that sells 25g for $740. I am confident that I can find a smaller qty, but I will have to keep calling around. If nothing else, can always get it off of Alibaba I suppose.
Thank you for doing all this hard work, and sharing!