DIY Reverse osmosis Cheap for all the starters out there who need to pop off a couple harvest

So my friend is new to the grow game. He purchase a bunch of advanced nutrients, ph perfect n the whole nine (fool). Anyway I advise him that AN is meant to be used reverse osmosis water, which he doesn't have. I forgot to mention that he purchased the bytes online (No returns not free anyway).this is why I stress to people " DO UR RESEARCH B4U COMMIT RO ANYTHING WHEATHER IT BE NUTES, MEDIA,SPACE, IN LIFE PERIOD. So after all the mistake he finally goes online and researches ro systems. Somewhere along his tedious search he came across zerowater. Which from what I seen is basically ro that looks like a Britta filter. 11$ at Walmart in Canada. After a few minutes of putting our brains together we came up with this. Mind u u can just by the whole machine at Walmart for 40$. We cut a hole in the bottom of one bucket dropped in the filter then used gorilla glue to seal it water tight. We then cut a hole in the lid of the bucket that all the water will drain into. Just fill up the bucket on top and watch as it goes down by gravity. Test the water when all is done. 000ppm. Zero water is a 5 stage filter unlike Britta and the rest 2 stage. I hope this will help someone get the most out there grow but I suggest u buy a ro system at some point. Once u do 2-3 harvest u shouldn't be complaining about money. If u are. I suggest u then QUIT lmao


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I mean it's cool but I don't believe for even one second it's 0ppm. Real ro setups often don't achieve 0ppm. Oh and btw not everyone who grows is a drug dealer.... I make not a dime off what I grow.
Just the amount of money u save off growing your own supply. U don't have to sell drugs. dont tell me u don't give a bit to a friend here an there. Whether u sell or just give it away in the laws eyes ur a drug dealer
Before people talk shit like I said research ur info. Google zero water then come on and throw your 2 little pennies in the jar. The amount of filters u will purchase in years in gonna add up to 100x more than purchasing an or system. But seriously do ur fuc*ing research watch this non edited continuous video

this is what i use for my personal grow. $64 bucks, adapter for sink was $8. filters are $24 for a set, and will last at least a year for me. fills my 3g jugs in about 90 min

How long does it take for the bucket of water to run through the filter?
Honestly I haven't ran water through I just left enough filled to not go through the filter to make sure it water tight and not leaking everywhere but I would imagine 5-10 min from. The look of the video. But the filter does work.