Diy portable sub panel?

Hope all that info gets you on the right track, it's literally everything you need to know in order to build your own 30 amp freedom board, deluxe style lol.

Some folks cheat and just wire the timer output directly into the receptacles but I shy away from this since the upstream over current protection device (OCPD) is 30 amps and the receptacles are not. Also if you ever tried to wire those duplex receptacles with #10 wire you will learn it's rather difficult, thus leading to a tendency to run #12 wire off the timer and daisy chain enough receptacles for the ballasts. That is also not good really with the #12 fed off a 30 amp OCPD and all the loads carried by the length feeding the daisy chain. If one was prone to doing that it's best to pigtail the receptacles with #12 wire and tie them into a #10 coming off the timer using wire nuts and running through to all the boxes.

Or just put the subpanel in and know that it's all safe plus the breakers just might save you from having to replace those fuses someday lol.
Thanks for the input. I only had kind of vague idea of what all was needed. And this is probably one of those things where kinda knowing would've set my house on fie.
If you end up needing help putting it all together feel free to shoot me a PM. It's pretty simple if you have basic screwdrivers, pliers, wire stripper.
I've got screw drivers, pliers and a drill. Gonna need to pick up some wire strippers( that's one of those obvious really things that I'd definitely have forgotten )