I wrote the original
HERE. But consolidating in this one post.
LST'ng is something I've been doing for a while, and I pretty much suck at it.
But I am happy with my latest contraptions for helping me through this. I used to do some type of tape with string or something similiar, and it would pretty much always come loose.
And since I use grow bags after transplanting from dixie cups, there really is nowhere to add a tie down that will be stable. For Dixie Cups, I would usually use some tape and string, but of course that works itself loose all the time as well.
I finally have a solution for each that works out really well for me.
For Grow Bags
I have been cutting metal coat hangers in half, basically long enough so that I can stick one end ALL THE WAY down to the bottom of the grow bag. Then the side that is sticking out of the dirt, I shape and bend that to the form I want to hold down the branches. Check the pic with the purple circle around it to see what I mean.
For Dixie Cups:
Similar concept, except I poke a small hole into the side of the Dixie Cup, I and fish hook a paper clip through the hole. Then with the other end, I shape it to what I need to hold down the branches.
Both of these methods are easy to move around as the plant grows, and they are NOT coming loose.