DiY LED Vegging - Cree XM-L2 VS Cree CXA3070

@Scornfulheal yes you could use XPL 5000K V6 from LEDDNA or you could keep one of the 3000K CXA3070s running during veg and add a few Luxeon ES royal blues (stevesleds). That will give you faster vegging growth so you get more cycles in.
You are correct, cooler LEDs have their peaks shifted toward the blue. So 2700K has a peak near 630nm red and plenty of output in the 660 deep red range. 3000K has a peak near 610 and plenty of output in the 630nm red range but low in the deep red. 5000K has decent output in 630nm but misses the 660 deep red.

Mr Flux was nice enough to run the calculus and his math says that Vero 5000k is 22% blue. He also normalized these Vero curves so they are relative to each other. From looking at this, it seems like the low hanging fruit is to add deep red but as you do your blue percentage drops.
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For those who are interested here is the Cree CXA normalized curve
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I know it's an old post but do you know which regions Mr Flux considered blue/green/red? I used 380-499nm for blue/500-599nm G/ 600-780nm R in my charts and I'd like to make sure that I'm calculating the same thing.