Active Member
Thanks mate, this sounds interesting.. no chemicalsMighty Wash has an excellent reputation for killing mites during flowering. Good luck with those filthy little bastards Jubiare! Kill em good!

Thanks mate, this sounds interesting.. no chemicalsMighty Wash has an excellent reputation for killing mites during flowering. Good luck with those filthy little bastards Jubiare! Kill em good!
There is something I'm not following JubiARE, you say:
"47 Reds; 2.2v each: 2.3 x 47 = 108.1v x 0.500 (they are driven at 500Ma) = 54.05W"
But the 500mA LED driver on the image says 70V 500mA, so if 70V is maximum it will look like this ?.
( i can't see what it says in small fonts on the driver)
Hey Rasser, thanks for stopping by. I have two of those drivers, so I use roughly 50V for each driver
Well I'm going through my own problems too Jubiarehaven't scrap them, still there but doing poorly .. I hope I can still harvest a few ounces of goos smoke and I really hope to learn something from this bitch grow! am gonna upload pics tomorrow or something
Besides am germinating new seeds and will be using MEveg