DIY Irrigation set up problems!



So I have a wilma set up and with my current grow looking like its going in the bin I have attempted to make my own set up.

This way the girls wont be so cramped and I can manoeuvre in the tent.

So my set up is like this.

1.2m x 1.2m tent

100ltr Aqua tank Bud box (Situated outside the tent)

An MJ 1000 water pump.

1 x 18 way splitter and a A 2m length of piping connecting this to the pump.

2 x garland trays, 1.2m x .4m (I've drilled holes in these and placed a storage container under one, and 2 trays under the other. These will catch the run off.

Load of flood drippers and adjustable drippers. The tubing has all been cut in equal lengths.

My girls are in various sized containers, 2 and 3 gallon ones, with about an inch, maybe two inches of clay pebbles then coco all the way.

I have got it all set up as in the pictures.


I literally put it on for a couple of minutes and half of my res has been drained!

The tent is flooded on one side and there is a lot of water still left in the pipe which I believe is slowly being released. Any ideas any one I have checked all seals and I can see one of the trays is being filled up fast but there is a leak somewhere else.

Or is it the hydroton and everything is just coming out real fast?

I dunno :/ Going out of my mind now, it's just one thing after another.


New Member
got to remove the water to do that buddy go with your instinct i firmly believe in bubble buckets tbh you have to buy good products and right matching drill bits to do DIY simplie put, so you can avoid this...your in Savage mode atm! save plants take system out work on it or savage the useful undamaged parts at this point. truly dont hate on old fashion bubble buckst you can buy a good DIy for 350 for 4-8 pots or make it your self for 150 (less) just cant go amateur for this reason everything needs to be snuggie.

looks like you where on great path though its hard work for this reason! id say goodjob and help you clean up if i could =D keep up energy level!:-P:leaf:


New Member
Hey bro don't fret I agree with Blazen, get the water cleaned up and stick with something like bubble buckets, get yourself a trellis and And Let em role. Keep up the good the work it looks like a good attempt. Trial and Evaluation.
Stay stoned