DIY Humidifier


Well-Known Member
Put together a humidifier finally, I have been wanting to build one for sometime. I know they are popular in the mushroom world but not as much in the cannabis side. I have a few kits left if anyone is interested shoot me a DM. Easily humidify a grow room, I use it in my 10x12 grow room and replaced 3 small humidifiers. I set mine up so it’s a constant feed so I never have to fill a humidifier again.

I made one using those ultrasonic foggers also.. works so well! I need to change the tank and add a float valve like yours tho, used a clear tank and now have algae growth if I don’t scrub it frequently
i made one 15 years they still boil water after working for 15min?
Not that I know of, the ultrasonic disks make the mist. These units really shouldn’t be used more that 8 hours straight without an hour of off time. Not a big deal tho if you run off a humidistat so it’s not running constantly.
i made one 15 years they still boil water after working for 15min?
This is a good question, given the size of that disk array, and the 400W power supply. Assuming the PS is running at half-load, then you're taking 200W, and most of that energy is lost as heat. I've thrown a 15W aquarium heater into a 10 gal rez (out in my insulated, but unheated garage), and have seen the rez temp rise from mid 50's to 64F, in just a matter of minutes - If I only had, like, 2 gal in my rez, temps would rise much quicker! But OP is certainly correct, if you can "manage" to avoid running the humidifier constantly, then the rez will have some time to cool back down.

I turn on the heat and a circulating pump 15 minutes before turning on the feed pump for my dutch bucket system. From what I've read here, the nutes should be warmer than the mid 50's that I'm currently seeing in the rez. I run the feed pump for 30 minutes, and so turn off the heat 15 minutes before the feed pump. This thread is of interest to me because I'm fighting OTHER humidifier-related issues. I'm new to posting, and will start a new thread to avoid clogging up this one!
This is a good question, given the size of that disk array, and the 400W power supply. Assuming the PS is running at half-load, then you're taking 200W, and most of that energy is lost as heat. I've thrown a 15W aquarium heater into a 10 gal rez (out in my insulated, but unheated garage), and have seen the rez temp rise from mid 50's to 64F, in just a matter of minutes - If I only had, like, 2 gal in my rez, temps would rise much quicker! But OP is certainly correct, if you can "manage" to avoid running the humidifier constantly, then the rez will have some time to cool back down.

I turn on the heat and a circulating pump 15 minutes before turning on the feed pump for my dutch bucket system. From what I've read here, the nutes should be warmer than the mid 50's that I'm currently seeing in the rez. I run the feed pump for 30 minutes, and so turn off the heat 15 minutes before the feed pump. This thread is of interest to me because I'm fighting OTHER humidifier-related issues. I'm new to posting, and will start a new thread to avoid clogging up this one!
I think the technology has come a long way in being more efficient and cheaper. When I was making kits and moving them I sold a lot of them to guys that used them for fogoponics. The 6 disk runs for maybe 5 min at a time to keep the 10x12 room at 60% so this also maybe why I see no temp issues.