DIY Hood and remote ballast 150Watt HPS ($20)


Active Member
Just thought I would share my wednesday project. I just got my econolight-150 watt HPS and decided to try to rewire for a remote ballast. I am the farthest from an electrician, but it was simple. I also made a ghetto bat-wing reflector out of a piece of aluminum from Home Depot.

Light - 32.48 (shipped)
Aluminum - 2.48
Brackets for L-shape - .38
Odd bolts - .62
Old Ext. cord - Free

Total: 35.96 - can't beat that

I know the wing is pretty crappy, but it'll do the trick.



Well-Known Member
get rid of the globe! and you should be all good ive got the same light check out my grow...


Well-Known Member
not too shabby, u coulda spent a bit more time on the reflector to make it more purrrrdy, lol , but ur right it should do the job.


Active Member
Good looking plant man. It's amazing what CFLs will do for ya. I wan't to try the scrog...just finishing some research on the best methods.


Active Member
not too shabby, u coulda spent a bit more time on the reflector to make it more purrrrdy, lol , but ur right it should do the job.

I f*cking cut myself like 5 times trying to cut and bend that crap. I'm hoping I can use this and not have to use major exhaust...I only plan on using a few pc fans. Think that'll be good?


Well-Known Member
from what i understand it depends on where you do it. As long as you have enough circulation and can keep the temps in order its fine i guess. But ofc dont take my word for it just my 2c


Well-Known Member
i cant see a 150 watt getting to hot, I dont have exhaust and i run a 400 watt


Active Member
i wonder what temp differnce would be w/the globe on?
I think the globe plays less of a role regarding temps and more-so with the lumens. I heard somewhere that glass can reduce the lumen penetration by roughly 10%. Considering it's only a 150 watt, I need all the lumens I can spare.


Active Member
Looks like everything made sense, how'd my guide work out for you?
Very cool dude....I was going to do it like that but have decided to cool tube it. I'm about to go to the store to get the hardware. I like you're idea...I wonder if you had just put bigger holes in the 'socket holder', could there have been enough airflow?


Active Member
Well, I had a sucessful trip to the store. Keep in mind, I am the farthest thing from an electrician and I still figured it out. So for anyone who reads this that thinks they don't have the know-how....just try it. Obviously I will add ducting on both ends..but I think this is a pretty good start. And by the way, anyone who trys this, be carefull tightening the clamps around the hurricane, that shit will crack pretty easily.



Active Member
So, I am attaching my new cool tube - 150 watter. I used metal tape to attach the ducting. I need to adjust the brackets just a bit but it seems to work very well. My next step is to find a fan that will not only cool this light, but can also be used to exhaust my cab. I am hoping that I can draw air through my DIY carbon filter via my cool tube and exhausting out the cab...